How to create an amazing blog content calendar

Having a (blog) content calendar is a must for every blogger or other content creator (for more details, check Why every blogger needs a content calendar).
This little tool helps you keep things organized, plan future content, and keep track of ideas.
Creating such a content calendar is fairly easy, and in this article, I will show you how you can create your own in Google Sheets in an easy to follow step-by-step guide.

Create your own (blog) content calendar

content calendar spreadsheet
Let's start with a very basic, then automate it further to make it visually more attractive.

Basic version of your blog content calendar

You open a new blank spreadsheet by opening Google Sheets and selecting 'Blank Spreadsheet'.

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First, I would suggest you create one additional tab and rename this one to 'Ideas' (I renamed the first tab 'Published Posts'). You can rename a tab by clicking on the arrow next to Sheet1 and select 'rename')
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Now, create columns for items you want to track. For a basic calendar, I would suggest to use: Title, Date Published, Category

This is the most basic version, and you can already use it if you want and add some extra columns to it, such as views, promotions, etc.
Now, let's go a bit more advanced and make it an amazing content planner.

Advanced version of your content planner

Suppose you have more than one category you blog about (on this blog, I have three different categories: 'Blogging', 'Etsy' and 'Productivity'). In that case, it will be easier to have a dropdown menu where you can choose the category instead of always typing it.
To get this dropdown list, right-click on the first cell below the 'Category' title, and from the menu that appears on the right, select 'Dropdown' (it can be that you have to scroll down until you see it).

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A new menu will appear on the right side, where you can fill in your categories and assign a color to them. If you want to add a new category, click 'Add another item'.

And now, you want to have the background of the 'title' cells in the same color as your categories, right?
Again, that's easy to do. Right-click on the cell below 'Title', and in the menu on the right, scroll down to the bottom, choose 'View more cell actions' and select 'Conditional forwarding'.

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A new menu appears on the right, click on the dropdown menu below 'format cells if ...'
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Scroll down to the bottom and select 'Custom formula is'.
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Now fill in as formula =$B2="Blogging" where B2 is the cell where you have the category dropdown list (and 'Blogging' is one of your categories). And under 'Formatting style' you can choose the color.
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And then you click on 'Done'.
You repeat exactly the same steps for every category by clicking 'Add another rule'.
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Every time you use the 'category' dropdown menu, the background color of the title will change accordingly.

Another useful thing you can add is the amount of blog posts per category.
Therefore, you click on an empty cell, and at the top of the screen, next to the Formula symbol, you enter the following formula =COUNTIF(B2:B11,"Blogging") where B2:B11 is the range where your dropdown lists are and you replace Blogging by one of your categories. And again, you do it for every category you have.

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This was a good basic introduction to creating your own calendar. You can extend it by adding a separate 'Dashboard' sheet where you get a graphical overview of your content.

Stay tuned: soon, I will release a free downloadable version of this shee.. And also a free Blog Content Notion template.

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