11 Tips to save time and be more productive

Have you ever had the feeling in the evening that you had a very busy day and haven't done anything special?
We all have a busy life with a million and one things to do during the day, stopping us from being productive.
At least, we think we have a busy life. We don't realize that our time is taken by tasks that are useless and time-consuming.
Check out these tips to simplify your daily life so you can free up lots of time to spend on more productive stuff.

1. Plan your day

save time by planning your day

The easiest (and best) way to simplify your day is by writing a to-do list. You can do this the morning itself or the evening before (which I prefer).
Write down the most important tasks you have to do and, if possible, break them down into smaller tasks. This doesn't need to be very detailed, but it's good to have an overview (so you don't have to figure it out later and lose time with it).

2. Declutter your house

You probably have heard the saying 'a tidy house, a tidy mind' and that is totally true. When you are surrounded by junk and clutter, it isn't easy to concentrate and be productive. There is always something that grabs your attention or takes away your focus.
When everything is ordered and streamlined, it is much easier to sit down and focus on what you are doing.

An organized and tidy home not only keeps you away from distractions but also saves you lots of time in another way. How many times a day are you looking for car keys, phone chargers, tools, ... ?
Keeping your house organized and tidy saves you lots of time (and frustrations).

Ok, Einstein once said, 'If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?'.
But how many Einsteins were there? Einstein was a genius, one of a kind.

Note from the author: I remember when I was still living in Belgium. I was working in my living room and wanted a glass of water in the kitchen. On my way to the kitchen, I saw something on a cabinet and realized it needed to be in the garage. So, I took it and went to the garage. On my way to the garage, I passed my bedroom and saw the bed still wasn't made up. So, I made up my bed.
Result? After 15 minutes, I returned to my working spot without a glass of water. And that tool is lying in my bedroom.
That was when I decided to tidy and clean up my whole house, eliminating all clutter and distractions.

3. Remove distractions

no distractions

Distractions come in many forms, from external interruptions like social media and your mobile phone to internal distractions like wandering thoughts and doubts.
These distractions not only disrupt your workflow but also impact your productivity. A study showed that, on average, it takes more than 15 minutes to regain full focus after being interrupted.

Find out for yourself what your biggest distractions are.
For me, the biggest distraction was my mobile phone, and I think most people are like me.
So, what did I do? While working, I just put my mobile phone in another room. That way, I don't feel the need to check it every few minutes.
And you don't have to worry, the world will continue spinning around if you don't reply to a message within 5 minutes or you haven't checked your Instagram feed.

4. Batch similar tasks

Group similar tasks into one time slot and handle them in batches to maximize efficiency. Such taks can be email handling, phone calls, ...

Jumping from one task (even if they seem similar) to another causes a disruption (see above) to your brain and workflow.
By batching similar tasks together, you reduce the need to switch your mind to another task, allowing you to stay focused and productive.
You also save time by minimizing the time spent on setup, as you're already in the right mood and mindset or have all the necessary materials available.

5. Delegate

delegate tasks to save time

You don't have to do everything by yourself, share the responsibility for some daily jobs (and make your life easier).
House chores need to be done? Your garden needs some weeding? All these small tasks take up lots of time, time that you can use for more productive things. So, why not delegate these tasks?
If you have kids, this is the perfect way for them to earn some pocket money.

Note from the author: I was living on my own, and for me, the most annoying daily job was cleaning the floor. I really didn't like doing this, but I needed to be done.
So, what did I do? I did buy a robot cleaner to do the job for me instead. That's also kind of delegating, saving me lots of time and frustration.

6. Take a break

This sounds contradictory, but taking a few breaks during your day positively influences your productivity. Stepping away from your tasks allows your brain to reset and, by this, improve your productivity.
You can have a walk, talk or do some exercises. This also works as a stress reliever.

You can also see taking breaks as a reward for fulfilling a task (or reaching a point where you think you deserve a reward).
Reward yourself with some time on your phone to catch up with messages, check your social media, and play online games.
This way, your mind will be free again and ready to continue another (or the same) task, and you will be full of energy again.

7. Do not multitask

stop multitasking to save time

Multitasking is not the way at all to do several tasks and achieve more. It's the opposite, it creates more chaos in your life.

We are not built to multitask; you save much more time in your daily life by just focusing on one set of tasks at once.
You cannot spread all your energy and focus over different tasks. Even if you try to do it, you will see that the result of each task is way beyond expectations. Bringing each task back to the desired level will take you more time.
It is much better to focus everything on one task at a time instead of jumping from one to another.

8. Set time limits

When planning your day, use time blocks where you are only allowed to do one task.
These blocks don't need to be followed to the second, but make sure you don't exaggerate and overstretch it.
You cannot focus on one task for several hours, so it's better to put a time limit on something and continue with it a few hours later or the day after.

By organizing your day into time blocks, you can prioritize your tasks and make sure less important tasks overtake your precious time.

Note from the author: I have noticed that I have different phases during the day, so I scheduled my day according to this.
In the morning, I do some administrative work like answering emails, building my online presence, connecting with people, etc. In the afternoon, my energy and focus level are at their highest, and I use this for 'deep work' like coding, building, studying, etc. I know myself very well, and I can only be in this very productive mood for a limited time, so this block only takes 2 hours.
I feel more creative in the evening, so this is dedicated to writing blog posts and designing products for my Etsy shop.
O, and I also ensure there is always a 2-hour empty block in my day, which can be filled by walking, playing padel, watching TV, ...

9. Wake up early (or go to sleep late)

the early bird catches the worm

The early worm catches the day ...
Waking up a bit earlier already allows you to save some time before the day even has started. You can fill your laundry machine, empty the dishwasher, or take time for your morning coffee.
Mornings are the perfect moment to exercise, do spiritual stuff, or have a walk. All these activities clear your mind and fill you with positive energy, preparing you for a productive and stress-free day.

But not everybody is a morning person. Some people are at their best in the late hours of the day when everyone else is asleep.
I have to admit that I am one of these people. I love it when everything around me is silent. So I can stay focused on my work without being disrupted by people or noise.

Both have one thing in common: you are busy when everyone else is asleep. This means you are not getting distracted by other people.

Note from the author: although I am a night person, I love to wake up early, too (I am a lucky person who doesn't need much sleep). Seeing nature waking up, people start being active. As I live in Bali, the early morning temperature is so refreshing, which is a big difference from the afternoon.

10. Learn no say 'no'

You already know that time is more valuable than money. And there is only one person in charge of your time, and that is you!

By saying no to others, you give them a sign that your time is valuable and finite. They will respect you for that and even encourage you to stay focussed.
But don't always say 'no'; you must find a good balance. If you always refuse to help others, they will also refuse to help you.
If you say 'no', they will understand that it is for a good reason. If you are a person who always says 'yes,' people will know that and keep on asking for your time. That's why it is important to say 'no' sometimes.

Saying 'no' is not only for other people but also for other tasks.
By being selective about the tasks and jobs you accept, you keep control over your schedule, and you don't over-commit yourself.

11. Reflect and adjust

woman contemplating about past day

And now comes the best part: the end of your productive day. The time has come to sit down, leave everything behind you, and enjoy the moment.
This is the perfect opportunity to contemplate and think about what you have achieved that day. Did you meet all objectives? Did you stick to your plan? Did you meet all your goals?
Be honest with yourself and eventually adjust your plans for the next day according to the past day's results.

Reward yourself with a glass of wine or a good meal. You deserve it. And it keeps you motivated to do the same (or even better) the next day.

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