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How to measure your productivity

Productivity is essential for success in both personal and professional life.
However, productivity is not about working harder and more, it is about working smarter.
To understand and improve your productivity, it is important to track and measure it effectively.
But how do you measure productivity?
In this article, I'll discuss tools, methods, and tips for tracking and measuring your productivity.... (read more)
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Improve your productivity with the Alpen Method

Many people often wonder in the evening, after a hard day of work, why their to-do list keeps on growing and growing. More hours working or harder working doesn't seem to make this list shrink.
They have an end goal, but because of the ever-growing to-do list, they never seem to reach this goal.
The Alpen time management method is designed to solve this problem.... (read more)
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How to set SMART goals

If you want to reach something in (personal or professional) life, you must first know what you want to reach. Without a specific goal to reach for, you run around in circles without getting anywhere.
This is why you need goals and targets in your life, to push you to become a better person and improve your well-being.
A long time ago, Aristotle said, 'Well begun is half done,'... (read more)
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Prioritize tasks using the Eisenhower Matrix

Do you ever have the feeling that you have no idea where to start first because you have so many tasks to do?
Or do you often feel like you have been working hard, and at the end of the day, it seems like you haven't done anything important?
If this is the case, you should try prioritizing your daily by using the Eisenhower Matrix.... (read more)
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Getting Things Done and be more productive

Do you always postpone tasks till the last moment? Do you get stressed when you think about the big amount of work ahead of you? Or do you think more about your tasks than doing them?
Then, the Getting Things Done (GTD) time management technique might be the perfect system for you.
Getting Things Done is a time management and productivity system that focuses on organizing tasks so that it reduces stress and improves productivity.... (read more)
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9 Habits that kill your productivity

You are aware that productivity is important to reach personal and professional goals.
But you aren't as productive as you want to be, and you are wondering what the reason could be?
Many of us have habits that hinder our ability to focus, stay organized, and work efficiently.
By getting rid of these toxic habits, you can regain control over your precious time and energy... (read more)
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Use time blocking to improve your productivity

Have you ever wished that there were more hours in a day? Wished that you had more time to finish the endless amount of tasks that are waiting for you?
Time blocking might be the solution for you. It is a time management technique that is designed to enhance your productivity by dividing your day into blocks of time. Using this method, every block of time is dedicated to a specific task.
Traditional to-do lists are very unorganized and sometimes overwhelming... (read more)
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Beat Parkinsons Law and do more in less time

We all know consistency (combined with strategy and marketing) is the key to a successful blog. One of the most effective ways to maintain this consistency is by creating a good blogging schedule.
A good blogging schedule will help you stay organized, ensure a steady flow of new content, and keep your readers engaged.
Writing an amazing blog post is only half of your task as a blogger ... (read more)
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Eat the frog and improve your productivity

The famous American writer Mark Twain once said, 'If it is your job to eat a frog, it is best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it is your job to eat two frogs, it is best to start with the biggest one first'.
This analogy is the origin of the 'Eat the frog' technique, a productivity and time management method that allows people to identify the hardest tasks and get them out of the way first.... (read more)
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Boost productivity with the Pomodoro technique

You ever felt that too many tasks are coming your way?
You ever struggled to stay concentrated and focused while working on a project?
You are not alone. I have had this so many times in the past. Until someone told me about time management and the Pomodoro technique.
You will be surprised how much work you can do if you only have to focus on one thing... (read more)
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How to stay productive a whole day

Staying productive throughout the day can be very challenging, especially in this digital world full of distractions.
Whether you work from home or in an office, if you want to maintain your productivity, a whole day requires some strategies and habits.
I experienced that I was only 2 hours productive a day, so I started observing myself... (read more)
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Tips to boost your morning productivity

We all aim to have a very productive day, but many of us struggle to make the most out of it.
Did you know that how you start your day sets the tone for the rest of the day?
By having a good morning routine, you set the energy and motivation for your overall daily productivity and performance.... (read more)
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How to break out of your comfort zone

You ever got the feeling that everything was going well in your life but that nothing was moving?
All your days look the same, you don't make any progress on projects, you don't make promotions at work, ... ? It can be that you feel too comfortable with what you have.... (read more)
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11 Tips to save time and be more productive

Have you ever had the feeling in the evening that you had a very busy day and haven't done anything special?
We all have a busy life with a million and one things to do during the day, stopping us from being productive.
At least, we think we have a busy life.... (read more)
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Become an achiever, unleash your potential

In life, you have dreamers and achievers. Achievers are the persons who chase their dreams and ... achieve it.
Setting up a business or a passive income stream, become an expert in your field, ... is a long and difficult journey. Many try but only few are successful, the achievers.
When I was younger, I was a quitter... (read more)
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The ugly truth about passive income

You hear a lot online about passive income, but is it really that promising as those 'gurus' tell you?
I discuss in this article the ugly truth about passive income.
But don't get demotivated... (read more)
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Focus on passive income, not on side hustles

Often, 'passive income' and 'side hustle' get mixed up, but there are some big differences between both.
Both bring an additional source of income, but the way they create this extra income is completely different.
Check out the differences... (read more)
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6 Easy ways to save money on groceries

I started reviewing my expenses a few years ago as I am always looking for new ways to save money at home. Grocery shopping was also part of that review, and I was surprised at how much I could save on it.
I am not a stingy person, I just don't like to spend unnecessary money.
In this post, I show you some easy ways... (read more)
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Happy and guiltfree spending

Life is not only about saving and thinking of the future. No, life is for living. You only live once, so enjoy while you can.
Unfortunately, enjoying life comes with a price. Sometimes, spending lots of money can make you feel guilty.
I will give you five tips... (read more)
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How to save money by not spending it

If you are sometimes struggling with your personal finances and want to start to save money, the first thing you have to do is become more conscious of your spending.
If you have a close look at your spending habits, you'll find lots of opportunities where you can save money.
It sounds obvious, ... (read more)
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Why you should start a blog in 2024

Is blogging dead in 2024? Can I make money from blogging in 2024?
Every year, the same questions pop up again. And blogging is still alive and kicking in 2024 and will always be.
If you ask when the best time is to start your own blog, NOW!
Not convinced? I give you 11 reasons to start your own blog in 2024... (read more)
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9 Reasons why you procrastinate

I have to admit that I used to be a master in procrastination; I always had excuses to postpone tasks.
At some moment in time, I had enough of it and read some books about human psychology and came to the conclusion there are 9 main reasons... (read more)
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9 Habits of successful entrepreneurs

As you know, I love reading and I've read many biographies in my life.
There is a pattern that keeps returning in the lives of successful entrepreneurs. Almost all of them have the same mindset and also the same habits.
These 9 habits are the most common... (read more)
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7 Reasons why blogging is dead in 2024

Blogging has always been a nice source of passive income for many people but will this continue?
I am going to play the advocate of the devil with this article and say that blogging is dead in 2024 and it will be taken over by other media content in the near future.
After doing some research, I distilled for you the 7 main reasons... (read more)
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Plan your lavish lifestyle

A lavish and wealthy lifestyle is what most of us are looking for. But the definition of a lavish lifestyle differs from person to person. Whatever your definition of such a lifestyle is, it typically goes together with a nice amount of passive income to help obtain and maintain that lifestyle. More passive income means more wealth and more money you can spend... (read more)
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What is the future of passive income

As technology evolves and the global economy transforms, passive income also will undergo changes in the future.
In this post, I will explore the future of passive income, what can be emerging trends and check strategies for building sustainable streams of passive income.
These are only my personal thoughts on ... (read more)
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A deep dive into the FIRE movement

In a world where financial stress feels like a burden, a growing number of people are captivated by the FIRE movement mindset.
This movement has inspired individuals worldwide to rethink their approach to personnel finance, work, and life
In this article, I dive a bit deeper into the core principals, strategies, and... (read more)
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5 Reasons why diversification is so important

In today's rapidly moving economic landscape, it is important to have financial stability and security.
Spreading your passive income earning across multiple sources, not only gives you more security but also offers you lots of opportunities you were not aware of.
That is why diversification of your passive income streams... (read more)
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7 Scaling tips for your online business

Starting an online business is the first step in creating a passive income stream.
After a few months, you will see the first results of your hard work by money coming to your account. This is the moment where you have to start thinking about how to increase your revenue.
This is the perfect time to check if your business is scalable. I show you some opportunities... (read more)
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9 Passive income streams on a thight budget

Can you create passive income streams with a very near zero budget? Yes, you can.
There are plenty of options if you have almost no starting budget. The only you need is the will to start and perservere. And have patience.
Keep in mind: success and money don't come overnight. It's like an oak... (read more)
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Books that inspired me

I'm sure most of you have read 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad', which is the book that got me hooked up with (thinking about) passive income.I got fascinated by it and started reading more and more books about enterpreneurship, online income, generating and managing money, ....
There are many interesting books out there but these 3 did inspire me the most.
... (read more)
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Is time more valuable than money

'Time is money'
Or is time more valuable than money?
Or can money buy time? Yes, it can! I been thinking about these theses lately a lot and I came to the conclusion that money can buy you time and money can buy you a better life.... (read more)
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My targets and dreams

I am a very realistic and down-to-earth person, but like everyone else I have some dreams and targets I want to achieve.
I will tell you what I try to achieve on short and long term. And also what my ultimate dreams are (and why I am doing all this).... (read more)
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Passive income with dividends

When it comes to generating passive income, dividend stock investing is a great method.
It's fairly easy to set up a dividend portfolio and the returns can come pretty quick and grow overtime (the snowball effect). Which makes this very ideal for a passive income stream.
But...... (read more)
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what is passive income

Passive income is money you get, that you don't actively have to work for. It's like a 'money tree' you already have and that you can keep harvesting on a regular basis.
It all sounds so easy but is it really so easy? Let's dive somewhat deeper into this and find out ... (read more)