9 Habits of successful entrepreneurs

As you know, I love reading and I've read many biographies in my life.
There is a pattern that keeps returning in the lives of successful entrepreneurs. Almost all of them have the same mindset and also the same habits.
These 9 habits are the most common of them all:

1. Make your day longer

It's not rocket science to see that adding more hours to your day lets you accomplish more.
Most of the entrepreneurs make it a habit to wake up earlier than the rest of society, others like to stay awake till dawn. But all of them have in common that they only need a few hours of sleep.
While a long sleep is required, according to doctors, to give your body and mind rest, this doesn't count for these entrepreneurs. They seem to have enough with a few hours of quality sleep.
This short sleep makes them have a day that has 18 to 20 hours, while for most of us, we only have 15 or 16 hours in a day.

2. Plan your days

As seen in point one (and also see is time more valuable than money), time is the most valuable asset and successful businessmen treat it as such. By planning their precious time and prioritizing tasks, they maximize their productivity and focus on high-value activities.
Every moment is important to them, that's why their complete day is scheduled to the second.
note from the author: making a schedule for the day is worthless if you don't stick to it.

3. Failures are learning opportunities

I still remember my manager saying to me at work 'Peter, problems and issues do not exist. There are only opportunities'.
Like anyone else, successful entrepreneurs can't always stop bad things from happening, but they learn from them. They extract lessons from these setbacks and use them to fuel future endeavors.
Also, look and learn from the failures of other people. Learn about the way they made that decision and the reason it went wrong. The setbacks are a stepping stone towards future growth.
Resilience and adaptivity are key to long-term success.

4. Prioritize health and well-being

There is a Latin phrase saying 'Mens sana in corpore sano', which means 'a healthy mind in a healthy body'.
Not only entrepreneurs but also top-sporters know that peak performance stems from a balanced lifestyle. This balance is obtained by regular exercise, proper nutrition, and stress management techniques.
Don't only exercise your body but also your mind. Reading books distracts you from ongoing issues and can free your mind in order to think clearly. Exercising (from workouts to yoga) can act as a stress-releaser and also increases your overall health and your sense of well-being.

5. Set clear goals

Successful people are meticulous about setting clear and achievable goals. They know exactly what they want to accomplish and have a roadmap to go there. These include long and short time goals.
Their goals are most of the time very high but still achievable. They require lots of time, work, and investments and by this, they require lots of planning too. 'Failing to plan is planning to fail' is a good expression for them. Setting such high goals gives them the drive and energy to achieve them.
You need to have goals in life, but also be realistic. If you're a beginning entrepreneur, don't say 'I want to make a million by the end of the year' but say 'I want to make my business profitable in 6 months and expand it further to make 1 million in 5 years'.

6. Keep on learning

The pursuit of knowledge is another habit all successful people have, they understand the importance of staying updated with digital trends, technological advancements, and changes in markets.
With today's evolutions in technology and AI, there's something new to learn every day. Every week or month, there are better and improved tools introduced. Successful entrepreneurs realize this and constantly are looking for the next best thing to achieve their goals.
Studying not only can be done by reading or following courses. It also means networking, exploring, seeking mentorships, ... to expand their horizons.

7. Ideas and innovation

Innovation is the key to a thriving business. Successful business people foster a culture of creativity, encouraging experimentation and out-of-the-box thinking.
Crazy ideas can become reality if you believe long enough in them and put time and effort into them to get there.
Entrepreneurs are like a box with endless ideas. Not every idea is executable or will be profitable, but true entrepreneurs don't give up. And the more ideas you have, the bigger the chance there is a real good one between them.
Space X wouldn't exist if Elon Musk didn't have this crazy idea, you wouldn't be using an iPhone if Steve Jobs wasn't such a visionary.
They also have different visions of how things should work, which is why they can disrupt a whole industry (see how Ford built the first real car factory, the way we know it now).

8. Surround yourself with the right people

Good friends are great to have around, especially when they have the same mindset and mentality as you, driving you to become a better person and pushing you to new heights. Long-term entrepreneurs are surrounded by people who give them energy, make them smarter and stronger, and support them in their decisions or challenge them by going into discussion.
This also means networking, knowing the right people at the right place. You never know when someone can become handy for your business. Some of the successful business people are loners but most actively cultivate diverse networks. They understand the power of collaboration and strategic partnerships.

9. No excuses

Excuses have never led to success. Excuses are contra-productive, they bring you nowhere.
Successful entrepreneurs never give up, they don't search for lame excuses why they failed. They are honest about it and learn from it. They see challenges as temporary hurdles and approach them with a positive mindset.
If they had excuses like 'That is not possible' or 'I do not have the knowledge or tools', they would never have reached something in their lives (and I would not have been able to read their biography).
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