A quick guide to boost the EEAT of your blog

When I started this blog, I was a bit naive and maybe over-confident too, hoping my blog would rank high on Google without making any effort.
Thinking I was writing such high-quality content that Google would see it as exceptional and rank me number one.

I was completely wrong in this. I started researching and discovered that Google pays much attention to E-E-A-T (experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness).
And it all started making sense to me; I had to improve, write better blog posts, and show people I am really knowledgeable about what I am writing, ...

What is E-E-A-T

E-E-A-T is an acronym for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness (Google guidelines). And it is one of the ranking factors for Google's search algorithm.
As you might know, Google keeps improving and updating its search algorithm to give you the best possible results for your search query. And it pays more and more attention to the EEAT of your blog.

It's important not only for SEO but also for the user experience (UX) on your blog.
Imagine you visit a site searching for an answer you have, and you see that the article is written by a person who has no experience and has no idea what he is writing about: would you click on another article?
You will click 'back' and continue searching for an answer on another page. You want to avoid that happening on your site and keep the readers hooked to your content so they spend more time on your site.

Now you are aware of the importance of E-E-A-T for both Google and your visitors; I will show you a few ways how you can improve the E-E-A-T of your blog>

1. Write, Read, and Re-write your blog posts

rewrite and edit your articles to improve EEAT
Keep in mind that every article you write needs to beat your competitor's article. And also, a lower-quality article can hurt your blog's quality score.

Okay, you have written your blog post, and you are convinced it is a literal masterpiece full of amazing content.
I suggest not publishing it immediately, but wait a while before you push the 'publish' button.
Ideally is to wait a few days to put it online. This gives you the time to let it brew in your mind. You will have new insights or want to rephrase some paragraphs or add new stuff you had forgotten to mention.

Key elements for an article are:
- Does it cover everything the reader expects?
- Does this solve the reader's problem?
- Is it fluently written?
- Would the reader suggest this article to someone else?
- Are there no spelling mistakes?
- Is everything explained clearly?
- Is the article optimized for SEO?
You will see that you will change a lot compared to the draft version of your article.
The second or third version will always be better than the original one, and your readers (and search engines) will like the extra effort you put into it.

Not only is your article's content important, but the length also matters. Longer blog posts are more authoritative (you cover more topics) and answer your reader's questions fully.
But please, don't write empty and hollow words just to make your post longer. Ensure it is long enough to answer the searcher's question in full detail.
And if an article gives the reader more than he expects, he (or she) is more eager to press the 'share' button.

inbound and outbound links

You can make your post more credible and trustworthy if you link to an authoritative source (like I did in the intro).
If you use data in your article, don't just write 'according to survey, x% of the population ...', but mention the link to that source. Your readers will then know these are not just imaginary numbers but data from a credible source. This makes your blog slightly more authoritative (for your readers and search engines).

Another way to increase your authoritativeness is by writing guest posts on other sites in your niche. This is not only good for marketing your own blog, but your readers (and Google) will trust you more; they will think 'If he is allowed to write on another blog, he must be good and trustworthy'.
Note from the author: I haven't done this myself, but I am working on it, and I hope to update this article in a few weeks with 'How to get a guest post on another site.'

Your social media presence also helps you get a higher score. Because search engines are continuously crawling the internet, as well as social media. There is no need to hire a big social media agency to do this; just be present on all major platforms and post their links to your articles too.
Not only your own social media accounts are important; the more people share your posts on their social media, the more Google will see that you have written a good article, and this will also increase your E-E-A-T score.

3. Showcase your credentials and experience

Another way to increase your E-E-A-T is by having an outstanding about-me page.
On your about-me page, you can introduce yourself and write why people should trust you and why you are an expert in your niche.

This can be by telling your readers that you have a university degree in finance (if you're a finance blogger) or that you are a certified auto-mechanic (if your blog is in the car niche).
Not only degrees are import: remember what the two E's in E-E-A-T stand for? Indeed: experience and expertise. So, if you tell your visitors that you started blogging in 2017, they will trust you more than a newbie blogger.

Note from the author: I am not going to lie about this. I started this blog a few months ago, but I have already learned a lot, and I want to share this with you.
And I had a travel blog about Bali 3 years ago. This one ranked okay in Google (1 or 2 articles were even on page one), but I lost interest and motivation. So, I can consider myself as a semi-experienced blogger.

4. Encourage interaction

Positive reviews, interactions, and comments on your blog posts play an important role in improving the E-E-A-T of your blog. It's a good idea to encourage this; you can ask your readers to leave a comment or review at the end of your article.

Active engagement in comments shows the users (and search engines) that your content is relevant and valuable. It shows that your content is worth engaging with, which can positively impact the ranking of your blog post (search engines also see these comments and understand them).
Interacting with your readers in your article's comments section also helps you establish your authority in your niche as you provide additional valuable content.

It also helps you build a community of active readers who will return and read more of your articles because they know you have high-quality content and feel their opinion is valued. All this leads to increased visitor loyalty, and your content will most likely be shared on their social platforms. Which will lead to a higher reputation and greater trustworthiness for your blog.
And this will result in higher traffic. And you already know what higher traffic means ... more income.
And I think that is the purpose why we are blogging: present valuable content to the internet community and try to make this a passive income stream ( Passive income with blogging).

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