December 2023 Etsy (passive) income

Everyone says that Q4 is the best period for Esty sellers. Many people need soething for Halloween, Christmas, Newyear, ... But does this also show in the numbers of my Esty shop?
Here's a detailed overview of the last month's income (december 2023) of my Etsy shop

1. Listings

In december, I listed 4 new items. I know it is not much, but I try to keep some consitency it and upload 1 new item every friday.
In the future, I will do my best and try to list 6 new items per month.
It might not be much to you, but I prefer quality above quantity. And I don't have POD (Print On Demand) shop in which 1 item can produce 10 listings or so (mug, t-shirt, shower curtain, frame, ...). No, every item in my shop is unique. And it takes me around 45 minutes to one hour to get to the result that satifies me. Also bringing original items is sometimes difficult as I try to be unique and I don't like to copy items from other shops.

2. Visitors

Etsy visitors december 2023

Last month, 740 people visted my shop. Which is a slight increase of 96 extra visitors compared to november.
What makes me happy is that I can see an uptrend in the amount of visitors. Still figuring out is this is because of the 4 new items I listed or because my shop appears higher in Etsy's search results.

3. Orders and Conversation Rate

Etsy orders december 2023

In december I did see a big increase in the amount of orders compared to november: 29 to 17. Notice these are inviduals who placed an order. A single order can contain several items. And here I also did see a big increase in the sold items: 43 to 21
Conversation Rate is also nice for this month: 3.92%. This means out of the 100 visitors 3.92 of them place an order. After doing some research, I learned a conversation rate between 2.5% and 4% is good. A conversation rate of higher than 4% is extremely good.

4. Revenue

Etsy revenue december 2023

You wont hear me complain of having 93euro as revenue for this month. But pay attention that this revenue is not net income, costs still need to be deducted from it.
Compared to previous month, the revenue almost doubled (from 48.95€ in november to 93€ in december).
But again, same as the amount of vistor and orders, the revenue is showing an upward trend which gives me a feeling that I'm doing good. I know, there is always room for improvement and I'm working on that.

5. Costs

Costs for having my Etsy shop in december:
Listing fees: 10.44€
Transaction fees: 6.18€
Processing fees: 13.04€
VAT on seller fees: 6.36€
Offsite Ads: 0.38€
Which totals up to 36.4€ in fees.
This combined with my Midjourney (30€) and eRank (5€) subscription makes the total cost 71.4€

6. Passive income for december 2023

Everything combined (93€ - 71.4€) makes a total of net profit of 21.6€ for december 2023.
I will not get rich of this but I predict (and hope) that is number will go up. And as they say 'lots of small things makes also a big one'.

7. Conclusion and Expectations

21.6 euro is not much but at least I am making profit. And as mentioned before, this is only one of the passive income streams I will build and I hope all of them will grow overtime to a nice passive income.
I am sure that the revenue in January will be less than in december as quarter 4 is the top quarter for sales in Etsy.
As long as my revenue is greater than all costs combined, I am a happy person. I will keep on listing new items on a regular basis and keep the quality high.
Consistency is the key!
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