11 Tips for starting bloggers

If done correctly, blogging can be a fulfilling creative outlet or even a source of passive income.
The blogging industry has changed significantly in the last few years, and it's much harder now to succeed. It's difficult but not impossible at all to enter the blogging world and make an impact.
Before I started this blog, I did lots of research for you. Here are 11 tips to help you as a starter and grow your blogs. Before thinking of monetizing your blog, make sure it is worth monetizing.
Writing and blogging can be easy and fun, but sometimes it can be very frustrating and time-consuming.
In the last few months, I learned some important points that might help you, as a colleague starting blogger, on the right path.

1. Niche

The most important thing when you start is deciding what topic or niche you will blog about. Choose something you're passionate about and knowledgeable about. This will help you establish yourself as an authority in your niche and will make it easier to attract a targeted audience in your field of interest.
You will have to write a lot about several subjects in your niche, so choose wisely. Also, make sure your domain name reflects what you are writing about.

2. Create high-quality content

As a blogger, you are a content creator, and your content is the cornerstone of your blog, so make sure it is of the highest quality possible.
You have to focus on producing valuable, engaging, and well-researched content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience.
The readers of your blog are searching for valuable content, so make sure your content is well-founded, giving your readers what they are looking for (and so they stick to your site to find more valuable content). Not only is the content important but also make sure to write compelling and attention-grabbing titles, making them even more clickbaity.
Remember: it is the quality that is important, not the quantity.
Note from author: use some anecdotes in your blogs, this makes it engaging, a bit personal too and your visitors will see you have experience in your field.

3. Be consitent

Persistence and consistency are the keys to a successful blog (and possibly generating a nice passive income stream).
Establish a regular posting schedule and stick to it. It doesn't matter if it is once a day or twice a week, just try to keep consistency in it, at least for the first six months. This will keep your audience interested and engaged.
And Google loves the predictability of your blog, making it easier to get a higher ranking.
Consistency is important, not only for building a content database, but also for search engines like Google and Bing. They like seeing regular updates (say once a week) on your blog. And as a result of that, they will reward you by ranking your blog higher.
Following a fixed posting schedule also keeps you motivated and focused and forces you to research more about your niche (you need to find new subjects to write about, right).
Note from author: To be honest, this is not my first blog. A few years ago, I started a blog about Bali. It went well for the first two months (I even got some excellent Google rankings), but then I didn't post for a few weeks, I posted a few posts again. And then I completely forgot about this blog. So, keep on following a fixed posting schedule and stick to it, force yourself to write.

4. Engage with your audience

Encourage comments, feedback, and discussion on your blog posts. Respond to comments and engage with your audience to build a sense of community and a loyal fellowship.
Give your readers that little extra they don't get on other blogs. This will help you become trusted and a helpful resource on the internet.
People nowadays like being part of a community and having their voices and opinions heard. Interaction with your audience is critical to build a successful blog.
In the first months, you probably won't have any visitors, but it's good to be prepared and have a comment section on every blog post and reply to emails or other communication. This creates a kind of trustful relationship.

5. Be yourself

Be yourself and let your personality shine through in your writing. Authenticity and transparency resonate with audiences and help you build trust and credibility.
Your writing will change over time by the amount of posts you write, but there will always be a part of you in it.
Don't give your readers a cold piece of AI-generated content, write your content yourself. People want to read self-written content, which is why they come to your blog and don't use ChatGPT. Give them what they are looking for.
Remember: human ingenuity and creativity are at the heart of your content.

6. Be patient and persistent

Blogging isn't a get-rich-quick-scheme, it takes a lot of time to build an audience.
It probably will take months to get ranked on Google and noticed by people.
You probably will write a lot of blog posts without getting any readers (or clicks). After a few months, you will get to the point where you think it's a waste of your energy and time. Don't give up and persevere!
Stick to your posting schedule, create more content, continue your research, ... and the rest will follow.
Blogging is a marathon, not a sprint. The first months are used to build a good foundation for a successful blog.
Stay focused on your goals and keep moving forward.

7. Evaluate and evolve

Evaluate regularly your blog posts. After writing a few blog posts, you will notice you are creating your own style. Change previous posts if they don't fit your writing style anymore.
You may have new ideas on previously posted content; add new paragraphs to old posts if needed. Google also likes this, having old content refreshed. Do you really want your visitors to read outdated posts or posts that don't match your high-quality newer posts? I don't think so.

8. Learn from others

Take time to study successful blogs in your niche. Analyze their content, how they write, visuals of their blog, and engagement strategies to gain (new) inspiration for your blog.
But do not copy them, nobody is waiting for a clone of something else.
There are also many resources available online that can help you improve your blogging skills, grow your audience, and give helpful content for monetizing your blog.
Note from the author: don't look any further; you have already found the best resource you can find on the internet (you are reading it).

9. Optimize for mobile

More and more people are accessing the internet (and your blog) via their mobile devices.
Ensure your blog is mobile-friendly and responsive to provide a seamless experience to these users. Mobile optimization is crucial for user experience (and SEO).
Not only do most people access your blog via their smartphone, but they also don't like waiting for your blog to appear on their screen.
Improve your blog's loading speed to provide a better user experience and reduce bounce rates (why would they visit another page on your blog if the first page took 10s to load?).

10. Write, edit, and proofread

Before you publish your content, make sure to edit and proofread it thoroughly. Check for spelling errors, make sure your sentences are correct and concise, and check if your content has a good reading flow.
Ideally, have it read by someone else. You have a tunnel vision of what you have written; someone else might see it completely differently and can see some flaws in your blog.
Wait to press the 'publish' button immediately after you finish your blog post. Let it brew for a few days, for sure you will add some paragraphs, rephrase lines, or delete some content. Note from author: I don't use AI to write content, everything is self-written. But as English is not my mother language, I use the free version of Grammarly to correct spelling mistakes (no, this is not a paid advertisement, it's just a good tip for you).

11. Have fun

Most importantly, enjoy the process of blogging, and don't forget to have fun along the way.
If you only blog because you want to make your blog a money machine, the chance is that you will give up after a few weeks because you are still waiting to see progress.
If you love what you do, it is not work but fun. Let that joy shine through your blogs, and your audience will see your enthusiasm and passion in your writing.

12. ** Bonus **

To have a successful blog and generate a high number of visitors, you need to give people reasons for:
- visiting your site
- Click between articles
- Return to your blog in the future
- Share your content on their social media platforms
And it all comes down to 1 single point: quality content.
Content is King!
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