6 Easy ways to save money on groceries

I started reviewing my expenses a few years ago as I am always looking for new ways to save money at home. Grocery shopping was also part of that review, and I was surprised at how much I could save on it.
I am not a stingy person, I just don't like to spend unnecessary money.
In this post, I show you some easy ways to save money on grocery shopping. Remember: by spending less, you can save (and invest) more.
No, saving money on groceries doesn't mean you will eat unhealthy. By being more aware of your grocery shopping, you will even eat healthier than before.
Did you know that in 2023, the average American household spends more than 1000$ per month on groceries? And almost 25% of it is thrown away as waste.
As you see, there is much room for extra savings here.
With a few new habits (by following the tips below), you will be able to cut down your grocery expenses by at least 30%.

1. Make a meal plan

Make a meal plans
One of the most effective ways to save money on groceries is by planning your meals in advance. Sit down once a week (with your partner) and write down what you want to eat in the upcoming days.
Check your fridge to see what is still inside and plan some meals around these ingredients to prevent waste.
When you go to buy your groceries, be sure to stick to the plan and only buy the necessary ingredients.
You not only save money by following a weekly meal plan, but you also will eat in a healthier and more balanced way. Because you will be able to plan when you eat proteins, carbonhydrates, vitamins, ...
Note from the author: Even here in Bali, I stick a little bit to my Belgian meal plan. Wednesday is our fixed pasta day, and on Saturday, there are always French fries on the menu.

2. Use coupons and discounts

Keep an eye for coupons and discounts on items you regularly buy.
You have the traditional coupons that can be found in newspapers, many grocery stores nowadays offer digital coupons that you can load on your loyalty card (you have no idea how many loyalty cards I have), and there are even websites dedicated to only coupns.
These coupons can be of great value to you. Coupons allow you to save up to $40 every month.
Loyalty cards are great, too. If you own a loyalty card from a supermarket, you regularly receive extra coupons and discounts. And most of them give you extra credit when you buy for a certain amount of money.
Take advantage of all the savings you get offered, but remember that you should only buy stuff you need, and don't buy items just because you have a coupon or because they are discounted.
Note from the author: Be careful with loyalty cards as they collect personal data that often can be shared with 3rd party companies.

3. Check sales and buy in bulk

Each product you often use in your kitchen almost always has at least one brand on sale. Don't be too picky and buy the brand that is on sale.
Generic products are sometimes exactly the same as branded products, only packaged differently. Try the generic (or home brand) products, too: they often taste the same, and the price difference can be huge.
If you really are interested in one specific brand, wait for the exact moment to buy it. Normally, big brands offer discounts four times a year. Then stock-up on these items, especially when they have a long shelf life.
Consider buying products like rice, pasta, canned foods, etc ..., in bulk when they are discounted or when you get extras (like buy 2, get 3).
Before you go shopping, compare the prices with other supermarkets; it can be that some products are on sale in another supermarket.
Note from the author: I noticed that a 1 kg pot of my favorite hazelnut chocolate paste is more expensive than four pots of 250 gr. So, be sure to check and compare prices.

4. Avoid daily shopping (and when hungry)

Try to go shopping only once or twice a week. Most people are tempted to buy unnecessary things when going to the supermarket.
You really don't need to go to the grocery every day; most of the fresh food stays in good condition for a week. So, shopping once a week has a double gain: you not only save money but also lots of time.
A weird fact is that shopping on an empty stomach can lead to impulsive and unnecessary buys. So, have a light meal or snack before you go shopping.
Note from the author: did you know frozen vegetables are as nutritious as fresh vegetables? They are often much cheaper, and you can keep them longer. And other clients haven't touched them (I hate it when I see people do this).

5. Shop seasonal and local

Eating fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to stay healthy and in good condition. But they can be costly.
Try to stick to vegetables and fruits that are in season. For example, don't buy strawberries in the winter. They are not only much more expensive, but the taste is also less flavourful as in the summer.
If you need off-season or exotic fruit, try to buy the frozen version.
Try to visit a local farmer's market to buy fresh local vegetables at an affordable price. Or maybe go to the farmer himself, often they let you pick fruit or vegetables for free.
Please stay away from prepared food, it's cheaper (and more fun) to prepare it yourself and also much healthier because you have control over the ingredients you use.
Note from the author: If you are a herb lover like me, buy small plants in the supermarket, put them in a pot, and put them on a sunny window sill. You not only will have fresh herbs all year long, your house also will smell delicious and you'll save money.

6. Make a shopping list

and stick to it.
This is the most important strategy to save money on groceries, but it's undoubtedly not the easiest.
Write down everything you need to prepare your food and stick to it; there is no need to buy unnecessary stuff.
Note from the author: I love having a shopping list, and I seldom buy products that are not on that list. But I noticed that when I went to the supermarket with my wife, we bought much more than what was on the list. She always finds things the we certainly need. So, here's a tip for me: go shopping alone (it is also less stressful).
Bring your own shopping bags when you go shopping. It won't make much difference on the end bill, but you will not end up with many unused bags at home.
A trick that most supermarkets use is putting the most expensive (or the ones more profitable for them) items at eye height; the cheaper versions are generally on the bottom shelves (or on the highest shelves where only basketball players can see them).
If your favorite supermarket has curbstone pickup, you can place your order online and pick it up later. This way, you won't be tempted to buy that delicious-smelling croissant.
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