Eat the frog and improve your productivity

The famous American writer Mark Twain once said, 'If it is your job to eat a frog, it is best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it is your job to eat two frogs, it is best to start with the biggest one first'.

This analogy is the origin of the 'Eat the frog' technique, a productivity and time management method that allows people to identify the hardest tasks and get them out of the way first.

Many of us often feel drained when looking at our to-do lists. Where do we start with so many tasks on that list? How do you find out which are the most important tasks?
With the 'Eat the frog' technique, you will not only beat procrastination, but you will also get a lot of important stuff done.

What is the 'Eat the frog' technique?

eat the frog technique

The 'Eat the frog' method is an effective productivity and time management strategy that helps you identify complex tasks. The idea behind it is that you identify one hard task (the frog) on your to-do-list and complete the tasks first thing in the morning (eating it).
This allows you to progress on top priorities, build a productive mood, and manage your day more effectively.
If you complete your most difficult tasks early in the day, you will be less stressed and more focused on easier tasks.

In how to stay productive a whole day , I explain more time management techniques.

Why is 'Eating a frog' so effictive?

eating the frog is good for productivity
It doesn't sound appetizing, eating a frog so early in the morning, but this technique is extremely simple, and it is effective for several reasons:

reducing procrastination

By first attacking the most important or challenging task, you eliminate the temptation to put it at the end of the waiting list.
I used to be an expert in procrastinating, and this technique has helped me a lot. You can not keep on postponing these annoying tasks, they need to be done. And you better do them first thing in your working day. I know it works.

building momentum

When you complete hard tasks early in the morning, it gives you a big boost of confidence. And you carry on this momentum for the rest of your day.
Another positive side-effect of handling that dreadful task first is that you know that all the other tasks that await you are much easier.

improving focus

Handling your most difficult task early in the morning, when you and your brain are still fresh and alert, ensures that you give this task your full attention and focus.

improving productivity

By doing your major task first, you free up mental space to focus on smaller tasks and less critcial taks. You'll be more motivated and less stressed, making you more productive.

super easy and flexible

As you noticed, eating the frog first thing in the morning is pretty straightforward to implement. Once you get used to this technique, you will see your workdays become easier and more fun.

How to use the 'Eat the frog' technique?

how to use the eat the frog technique
Eating a frog sounds very easy to implement into your daily work habits; the problem lies in how you have to identify a 'frog'.
To order and label your tasks and identify your frogs, you will have to prioritize your tasks first.
For the prioritization, I recommend you to use the Eisenhower matrix, where you put every task in a quadrant:
  • Q1: Tasks you don't want to do but you need to
  • Q2: Tasks you want to do and you want to do
  • Q3: Tasks you want to do but are not that urgent
  • Q4: unnecessary tasks
  • Obviously, your 'frogs' are always in the first quadrant. At the start of each working day, pick a frog. And once you finish this task, move on to tasks from other quadrants.

    Normally, frogs take between one to four to complete. If it takes longer, you better break it down into smaller tasks.
    Nobody wants to eat frogs, certainly not in the morning. This makes it that you will face some mental resistance towards doing it. Keep in mind that this task needs to be done anyway, sooner or later. So, get started and eat that delicious frog.

    What happens if you have two or more 'frogs'? How do you decide which one to pick?
    Again, you rank them in order of urgency, and you pick the most urgent one.


    The 'Eat the frog' method is an effictive technique for everyone who wants to increase their productivity.
    By handling the most challenging task first, you create a positive mood for the rest of the day, you build momentum and you reduce procrastination.a

    Remember: the key to success is not to work harder but to work smarter.

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