February 2024 blogging income

Nothing much happening for this site, still waiting for Google to notice me.
But I am proud to announce I published a second blogsite end of February. This shows I still believe in blogging as good way to set up a passive income stream.
Check the numbers below and find out what the future will bring for these blogs.


As february was a busy month for me, I am a bit sad I only published 12 new blog posts.
But I did release another blog in a totally different niche (IT related) on which I currently have 5 posts.
And by the end of this year, I want to have 100 posts on this site and around 75 on my IT-related site.
Check Passive income with Blogging for more info about blogging.


No need to display any screenshots or number for both sites yet as they very new and still need to be discovered by Google.
As I am doing everything by myself, I did run into some issue getting this site indexed by Google. I am slowly sorting this out and hope to have everything solved in the next days.
Another advantage of doing everything on my own is that I am currently learning a lot about onsite and off-site SEO.
Getting a nice ranking on Google will take several months and so getting organic traffic probably will take longer. What I will try during these months, is getting traffice from other sources. Currently I am working on a plan to get public on social media and attract visitors via Facebook and Twitter (sorry, X).


Again something without a screenshot: 0 income for February.
I also don't expect any income for the next 3-4 months and then I still apply for Google Ads. And then I hope to show you some increasing numbers every month.
I hope to drive some visitors from social media but again, this is also something I need to build an audience for. A bit a catch 22, but I am sure that the result will be worth waiting for.


Sadly enough, here I have some numbers :-(.
Domainname: 10.28$
hosting: 11.91$
Again, a one-time cost for buying a new domain-name.
Both site are hosted on the same droplet by Digital Ocean. One site or multiple sites, the cost for hosting will stay the same. As I have now 2 blog sites online, you can say hosting per site cost me 5.95$, which seems okay to me.
I want to keep the costs as low as possible, that is why I decided to go for this option.Nbr> For the few thumbnails and pictures I have on this site, I use MidJourney. But as MidJourney is mainly used for my Etsy shop, I won't take the subscription for that one into consideration for the costs my 2 blogs.

Passive income for February

Everything combined (0$ income and 22.19$ expenses) makes a total net loss of 22.19$ for February.
The next months, there won't be any income from this blog but I hope to get breakeven in 5 to 6 months. And from then on, every month a bit more and more.
The purpose is to build a good foundation first. A foundation on which I can build a nice passive income stream.

Conclusion and Expectations

I wasn't able to stick to my original posting plan but I try to make it up this month and get to the projected 40 posts after 3 months.
The IT-related site will be something different as writing a articles takes much longer as it coding lots of coding snippets. My hope is to post 10 posts on that site every month and build a coding community around it.
Also, getting authority on it will be easier than for this site.
I am aware that it will take months to get noticed by Google and get ranked for some keywords. But I am patient and I know I will succeed.
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