How to break out of your comfort zone

You ever got the feeling that everything was going well in your life but that nothing was moving?
All your days look the same, you don't make any progress on projects, you don't make promotions at work, ... ? It can be that you feel too comfortable with what you have.
Do you want to make progress in your life, be more productive, grow your confidence, or expand your horizons? If yes, it is time to get out of your comfort zone and take action.

Getting out of your comfort zone can be very challenging, but it is necessary to grow personally and professionally.
No sweat, no gain. You can't expect to have a muscled body without going to the gym; your muscles will hurt a lot initially, but after a while, you will see the result.
Writing a blog can be hard and boring, but after a few months, you will see the result of your hard work.

Nothing comes for free in life, nothing is easy. You need to get out of your comfort zone to reach something in life.

Why is it important to get out of your comfort zone?

Why break out of your comfort zone, you may ask. Well, it's straightforward to answer: your brain and body get lazy when you are in your comfort zone for too long.

The main reason why people love being in their comfort zone is because it provides them with a feeling of security. But this is a fake feeling; nothing is certain in life nowadays.
Your company may reorganize; your friends can move to another city;... Many things can change without you having any control over it.
But we feel safe and comfortable in our little bubble. Until ...

You also can not develop yourself in your comfort zone. You need to step out of it; each time you pass your limits or overcome an obstacle, you become stronger and learn to handle setbacks and challenges.

The borders of your comfort zone are also the borders of your creativity. Just getting a little bit further than that border will stimulate your mind, forcing it to think differently. You will become more creative in finding new solutions, you will adapt to a new lifestyle.

Note from the author: I had a perfect life here in Bali, but I had a weird feeling: my brain was getting lazy while living this comfortable life.
That is why I followed some online courses (AI and ReactJs) and started this blog. I need challenges in life, I need my brain to be active. One of the ways to do that was by learning new things and writing this blog (which serves a double purpose: I want to help and teach others and make an extra income out of it).

How do you leave your comfort zone?

Living in your comfort zone is living an easy life. Getting out of that zone can be very challenging, but it is necessary to grow as a person. It doesn't happen overnight, but it is a gradual process. And yes, you can do it (I did it, so you certainly can).

Here are some steps that can help you break out of your easy life:

Set clear goals

First of all, you need to know why you want to break out of your comfort zone and what you want to achieve. Are you looking for personal growth or simply just adventure?
You will be more motivated if you do it for yourself instead of someone 'forcing' you to do stuff outside your comfort zone.
If you have a specific goal or target, it is much easier to work towards them.

Note from the author: I will use my fear of heights as an example.
A few years ago, I even had fear issues when stepping on a ladder. So, what did I do: if, for example, a light bulb had to be changed, I asked someone else to do it.
Then, I went on holiday with my brother and a friend. And one of the activities was trekking on a volcano. And you know what that means: heights (my lifelong fear). I knew that I had to conquer my vertigo when I wanted to join them.
That was my goal, my target: being able to walk with them in a more or less normal way.

Start small

Begin by doing activities that are slightly out of your comfort zone and gradually increase the level of challenges as you become more and more comfortable with the previous step.
Expand the boundaries of your comfort zone step by step. Each time expanding it a little bit further. This way, you will get used to it and then be ready for the next step.
In each step, you will feel lots of discomfort, but this discomfort is necessary to break out of your comfort zone.
Believe it or not, you will develop new skills every time. Things you were never aware of could be positive for you. Examples can be new breathing techniques, positive self-talk, and meditation to keep your nerves under control, ...

Note from the author: My first step was stepping on a ladder until I was 1.5 meters above ground level, standing still and looking around me. This already scared the hell out of me, but after a few times, I could go onto the roof of my (bungalow) house and stand on it. There, I sit down for almost 30 minutes, proud of myself.
The next big step was to climb the stairs of the bell tower of a church and watch the view from above. This was something I could never have dreamt of in my entire life.

Search for a positive environment

Most of the time, this is a process you can't do alone as it can be long and challenging.
Therefore, you have to surround yourself with positive people who are supporting you in good times and bad times.
Tell them what you want to achieve and how you want to do that. They will be the ones who you will rely on in difficult times.
You will encounter lots of discomfort as this is a part of growing. And it's always good if you can share your story or feelings with someone you trust.
And the good thing about being surrounded by such a group is that they will keep you motivated.

Note from the author: 2 weeks before I left on holiday, I wanted to do a final test. I went to an amusement park with a friend I completely trusted, with one aim: surviving a ride on the Ferris wheel. I did know my friend wouldn't do any stupid things or force me and be there for me when I would have an anxiety attack.
And guess what? I enjoyed the ride, and furthermore, I went on a rollercoaster, something I had never dared to do in my life.

Stay committed

Breaking out of your comfort zone is a journey, not the destination.
There will be lots of setbacks and failures on your way. These are all part of the learning process.
Instead of letting these discourage you, use them as an opportunity to learn and grow.

With every step, you will find new boundaries, which are harder and more difficult to overcome than the previous ones. These are the moments you must persevere and tell yourself, 'I have to do this, I need to do this'.
Nothing in life is easy; growth takes lots of time and effort, so be patient and keep the bigger picture in mind.

Celebrate progress

Remember that every step you set outside your comfort zone is already a victory. And victories are worth celebrating.
Treat yourself to something special, go to a restaurant, or have a lazy weekend, ... These rewards are also very motivational for the further steps you have to take on your journey.

Also, take a moment to reflect on yourself and be fully aware of what you have achieved. You will see where you came from and what you already have achieved.

Some extras

Writing this article made me realize I forgot to mention my biggest achievement.
Back in Belgium, I had a perfect life: a well-paid job, a house with a big garden, and many cool friends... As you can see, I had nothing to worry about.
But one day, I fell in love with a woman from the other side of the world, and I had to decide: stay in Belgium in my comfort zone or give up everything and start a new life. I have been thinking and thinking for months about this dilemma, and I finally decided to move.
Bali and Indonesia are culturally almost the opposite of Belgium, so I had to adapt to a new lifestyle. And I can assure you that this was challenging. I remember some days when I was crying and thinking about my perfect life in Belgium.
Five years later, I realized this was the best decision in my life. Even though I sometimes struggle with the lifestyle here. I can tell you that breaking out of my comfort zone made me a much better person: I now value simple things more, money isn't everything in life, and I am becoming culturally more openminded, ...
Instead of living a life where I knew what was going to happen in 5 years, now every day is different.

You might have seen that there are a few similarities with this article: Becoming an achiever. And yes, you are right; in both articles, I tell you how to achieve something.
The difference is that when you break out of your comfort zone, you go into new, unknown territories for yourself. While in 'becoming an achiever' you build on something existing, that can be your knowledge, experience or work.
Both are very rewarding, but breaking out of your comfort is much more challenging.

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