Is time more valuable than money

'Time is money'
Or is time more valuable than money?
Or can money buy time? Yes, it can! I have been thinking about these theses lately and I concluded that money can buy you time and money can buy you a better life.
Also, one of the reasons I started investigating passive income streams

1. Intro

Let's start with a depressing thought: imagine you lying on your deathbed. You won't be thinking about the amount of money you have in your bank account. You won't be thinking about the iPhone 38 you bought a few months ago or all the amazing gadgets you have ever bought.

No, you will be thinking about the experiences you had in your life, the memories you shared with those close to you. These immaterial things are built over time and don't cost a cent. It is the time spent with your loved ones, the time spent admiring things, ...

So, money allows us to acquire physical goods and services, while time can be considered as the currency to purchase experiences, relationships, personal growth, etc.

2. Is time more valuable than money?

No doubt about it, yes!

Time spent is time we will never get, no matter how hard we try. Money that is spent, we can earn it back, but not time.
The amount of money you can earn is endless, and the amount of time you have is limited.

You can always make and earn money; even if your savings account is $0, you can find ways to earn money. The time you have spent on something (holidays, a hiking trip, or social media) is impossible to gain back, so better spend it wisely.
This is what makes time more valuable than money. Time is limited, while money is unlimited.
Finding a good balance between money and time is the best you can do. And with becoming older (and wiser), you notice that time is so much more valuable than money. These are all things you will regret you haven't done when it is too late. And you never can get the lost time back.

3. The cost of time

Time is the only resource that is spread evenly between people. Some are born in a wealthy family, some in a poor country. But all start with the same amount of time in their lives.

Western people always are in need of 'time.' This is because they put lots of (time) pressure on themselves by having a busy work schedule and family obligations, and they also have to fulfill their social expectations.
This can lead to mental health issues like burnout or even depression. As written before, you need to find a correct balance between your search for money and the time you have for yourself (and your family).

Note from the author: I moved to Indonesia after spending 40+ years in Belgium, so I am in a good position to compare both. In the Western world, people have forgotten how to enjoy life, while here, in Southeast Asia, people have happy smiles on their faces a whole day long.
Western people are (generally) much wealthier, but why doesn't this make them happier? One of the reasons, I think, has to do with time. In the Western world, time is strict and bound: 3 pm is pm and not 3.04 pm. Here in Bali, time is something general, 3 pm means 3 pm or later.
Once I understood their interpretation of time, a whole new world opened for me. Everything is so much more relaxed, you have much more time to enjoy life. I came to the realization that you don't need much money to enjoy life; you need time!

4. Can money buy time?

In a strict sense of the word, no. But money can make you not lose time or even win time.
Make an overview of what you spend the most time on during the day and how you can automate these things.
Let's say you don't like cleaning the dishes after every meal, and it seems like a waste of time for you. The solution is simple: buy a dishwasher and save yourself lots of time (and anger).
You don't like cleaning the floor every day? Buy a robot vacuum cleaner
Do you hate to be stuck in traffic jams at work every day? Buy a bike or use public transport (you can take a nap, read the newspaper, etc., while on the bus or train).
As you can see, the possibilities for 'winning' time are endless. And this time gained, you can spend on things you enjoy, on self-improvement, on family and friends, ...
That is what I did a few years ago; I didn't like cleaning the house daily. So, I bought myself a robot vacuum cleaner for daily cleaning.
I was a bit skeptical at the beginning, but my little helper saved me so much time every day (and I got rid of an 'annoyance' factor in my life). Happy me!

5. Waste of time

We live in a consumer-driven society where everything is focused on buying the latest and most trendy gadgets, on instant gratification. Does the latest iPhone make you happy? Maybe for a few days. What's the use of scrolling through TikTok and Instagram feeds for hours? It is just a waste of time and leaves you with an empty feeling.
Wouldn't it be much better to spend your time on important and more useful things in life: try to make money instead of spending hours on your phone, give your kids more attention (this also will be positive for them), do some outdoor activity which is also good for your mind,...
Tip: instead of being a consumer, become a creator. Let people enjoy (and pay) your content.
You free up lots of time by ignoring your phone, which always looks for your attention. The time you can spend on meaningful stuff. Mother Nature has given you a brain, so don't let it become lazy by staring at your screen and watching brainless content. Provide content yourself!

6. Time for ...

Time for ... The conclusion.
Time is more important than money, but paradoxically, we have to spend time to make money. And this money, we can spend on things to make us gain some time. It is all about priorities in life, but the older you get, you realize that the non-material things in life are the best.
I now know that if I had started this site (and the other projects) 5 years ago, I would now have harvested the ripe fruits of spending my time on this.
That is why building some passive income streams is trivial for me. Invest your time now and enjoy the fruits of your labor later on.
Use your time wisely.
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