January 2024 blogging income

I am proud to present you the first numbers of my blog.
It won't be very spectacular as I just launched this site, so all numbers will be zero, except for the total costs.
I hope all numbers (except for the costs of course) will show a positive trend in the upcoming months.

1. Posts

The original plan was to publish this site with 15 posts but I only managed to write 14 posts.
Taking into account that all my posts and vlogs are handwritten without any AI interference, 14 posts are not bad at all. My target for the upcoming months is to have at least 15 new posts every month. And by the end of this year, I want to have 100 posts on this site (see Passive income with Blogging)

2. Visitors

Here I can be short and also no need to show a screenshot ... the amount of visitors is zero.
I bought the domain name on January 19 and I uploaded the first version of this site to the provider on January 20.
On January 26, I uploaded the sitemap of this site to Google Search Console and it was first indexed on January 29.
This means that this site can now be found on Google Search. But it will take a long time (and good SEO) to have this page ranked on page 1 or 2 of Google.
I am aware this will be a very long process and it will require lots of commitment and patience from me. But I will try everything possible to make this work.

3. Revenue

Again something without a screenshot: 0 income for January.
I also don't expect any income for the next 3-4 months and then I still apply for Google Ads. And then I hope to show you some increasing numbers every month.
I also have 1 post currently which has some Amazon affiliate links in it but as nobody visited my site, the affiliate income is also zero.

4. Costs

Sadly enough, this has some numbers :-(.
Domainname: 10.28$
hosting: 2,92$
The purchase of this domain name is a one-time cost so it's okay.
For hosting, I decided to go for Digital Ocean and I paid 2.85$ for hosting in January. I will explain why I chose this provider in another post.
As I do everything myself (I coded this site myself, database administration is also done by me, ...), I try to keep the costs as low as possible.
I expect the monthly cost for this website around 10$.
For the few thumbnails and pictures I have on this site, I use MidJourney. But as MidJourney is mainly used for my Etsy shop, I won't take the subscription for that one into consideration for the costs of this blog.

5. Passive income for January

Everything combined (0$ income and 13.2$ expenses) makes a total net loss of 13.2$ for January.
The next months, there won't be any income from this blog but I hope to get breakeven in 5 to 6 months. And from then on, every month a bit more and more.
The purpose is to build a good foundation first. A foundation on which I can build a nice passive income stream.

6. Conclusion and Expectations

I finally did it, setting up and publishing my own blog.
Making money or not, I feel proud of this, it gives me the feeling I achieved something. I had this idea in my for a very long time but I always (fake) reasons not to do it.
I don't expect to make money from this blog in the upcoming months but I will keep on posting new articles (at least 15 a month) every month.
My motto is 'quality above quantity' so you won't see any bulk meaningless articles. I want to provide you with something useful and informative.
I want to grow slowly but steadily, learn and improve myself with every article I write.
Despite what many people say, I still believe that blogging can be a good source of income.
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