March 2024 blogging income

There was little spectacular happening in March.
Google is still discovering both blogs, and I am waiting to get higher on the ranking lists.
I made some big mistakes that took me some time to rectify. Read more below.

Posts and visitors

No need for this one to post any graphics; the amount of visitors is around 10 (and 4 of them came from me).
I was able to stick to my posting schedule, where I published at least one article on Tuesday and Friday.
But sadly enough, this only happened on this blog. My other blog is slightly neglected as all my effort goes to this one.
The frameworks for both blogs are the same, so the other one will also benefit from changes made here. I've added some extra functionality, better loading speed, and restructured databases, ... (there is more to blogging than just writing and posting articles).

My mistakes

I thought I had done my research well before I started this blog, but I have to admit I was utterly wrong.
I must be honest; I also want to make money from this blog and reach as many people as possible. But no need to worry; delivering quality content will always be my top priority.
Before I started, I had a romantic view of blogging, thinking viewers would come as long as I provide quality content. This is true, but not enough.

Search and Social Media

I realized too late that the way internet users search has changed in the last few years. The older generation (like me) still relies on Google but the younger people use more and more other platforms like TikTok, Instagram, ... for their searches.
That is why I am building an online presence on many other platforms (Facebook, Reddit, X, Pinterest...).

Content and community

Online users are no longer happy with just content; they expect more for their time on your blog. They want something in return. They want to be part of a community where their voice and opinion also can be heard.
For that, I am starting a Discord server where people can ask questions, get additional help, meet likeminded people, and exchange tips, ...
If you want to make money from a blog, you can not only rely on Google Ads. That is also something I should have taken into consideration.
People want something in return for entering their email address (for my newsletter). I am currently writing different kinds of (free) guides I can give in return for their email address.


I studied many successful bloggers, and their biggest income comes from the stuff they sell. That is why I am trying to set up a sales funnel, but for that I need to have something to sell (also working on that).
I also became aware that you can also setup memberships (see Buy Me A Coffee and Patreon) and monetize your side-channels.
As you can see, blogging has become a serious business these days where everything is connected, and every little side project has a purpose.
But no worries, I will keep posting quality content here and write articles about what I've done.
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