Use time blocking to improve your productivity

Have you ever wished that there were more hours in a day? Wished that you had more time to finish the endless amount of tasks that are waiting for you?

Time blocking might be the solution for you. It is a time management technique that is designed to enhance your productivity by dividing your day into blocks of time. Using this method, every block of time is dedicated to a specific task.
Traditional to-do lists are very unorganized and sometimes overwhelming, time blocking organizes your time and tasks into blocks and by this, time blocking minimizes distractions and improves your productivity.
Another difference with a to-do list is that a to-do list tells you what to do, time blocking tells you when to do it.

Different types of time blocking

different types of time blocking
Time blocking is very flexible and multiple methods of time blocking exists. These are the most common ones

Basic time blocking

You divide your day into specific time slots and every time slot is dedicated to a specific taks or activity.
You can dedicate 2 hours for meetings and 2 hours for administration in the morning. And in the afternoon, 2 hours for emails, 1 hour for writing and 1 hour for marketing.

Energy level time blocking

Everyone has different energy levels during a day. For example: in the morning, some are creative while others love doing administrative jobs. You know yourself best and you make time blocks for yourself based on your energy levels.

Batching task time blocking

You group similar tasks together and you dedicate specific time slots to complete them. You can, for example, put a one hour time block in the morning and afternoon for answering emails.

Pomodoro technique

This is a variation of time blocking, where you work in short and focused intervals (25 minutes full focus followed by a five minute break).
I explained this technique in more detail in 'Pomodoro Technique'

How to implement time blocking

how to implement the time blocking technique
Getting started with time blocking is all about having a bird's eye view on your work, organize it and plan it in a structured way.

1. List your tasks

Begin by listing all the tasks you perform per day and group them together in high-level categories like email, admin, marketing, writing, meetings, etc.
Keep it simple and don't go to much into deatail. These will be the building blocks of your schedule.

2. Create time blocks

Now estimate how much time each taks takes you and allocate blocks of time to them. Be realistic in your estimations to avoid overloading your schedule.
Put these blocks together into your schedule, according to energy levels and other commitment.
Tip: be flexible and add some extra time to each block. You never know something unexpected might happen.

3. Stick to your plan

This is the most important part: stick to your plan as closely as possible. If a block takes longer, adjust your blocks but never let 2 blocks overlap each other.
Discipline is the key factor to make time blocking work efficiently.

4. Review and adjust

At the end of each day or week, review how you did and what progress you made. Note what did work and what not.
Make necessary adjustments to your schedule to optmize your productivity and energy.

When implementing time blocking, do not forget to include time for breaks between the blocks. Breaks are necessary to clear your mind, have some mental rest and they improve your focus and help you to work more productiviely.

What are the benefits of the time blocking method?

why is it called Parkinson law
The time blocking method offers several advantages:

Better focus

By assigning specific time blocks for your tasks, you can concentrate on one task at a time.
Because you only have to focus on one single task, you can work with higher efficiency and concentration.

Better time management

Time blocking forces you to realistically evaluate how long taks will take, which leads to a more accurate scheduling of your precious time.

Reduced stress

Having a clear working schedule reduces the stress and fear of forgetting important tasks, allowing you to work in a stress-free mood.

less room for procrastination

Dividing your day in blocks of time with specific tasks also creates a sense of commitment, making it less likely you will procrastinate.
Time blocking is a bit different that time boxing. With time blocking, you dedicate time for a set of tasks while time boxing sets a specific amount of time to individual tasks at a more specific level.
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