February 2024 Etsy income

The shortest month of the year, will it beat the numbers of January?
I already can tell I reached 2 more milestones in February!
Come and check the Etsy numbers of February 2024 Here's a detailed overview of the last month's income (February 2024) of my Etsy shop.
And as a bonus you find what the new milestone was for this shop.


February has been a busy month for me in which I have been setting up another blog and been writing articles for this one.
The original plan was to list 6 new items in my shop but I didn't manage to get to that number. I only created 4 masterpieces of digital art, bring the total to 106.
It is difficult to come up with new ideas in the niche I am in, and I don't want to copy existing items so I have been doing research on new themes and maybe another concept that is close to the current one.
Another reason why I only listed four items, I created much more but I was not entirely satisfied with the end result. So I dropped these maybe later recovering them with some new ideas).


Etsy visitors February 2024
Surprisingly enough, I had more visitors to my shop than record-month January. Even with 2 days less, I received 110 visitors more than previous month.
Not a big increase but better than a decrease, right?

Orders and Conversation Rate

Etsy orders February 2024
Believe it or not, but the number of orders is exactly the same as in January: 42 (the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life).
Okay, you see 43 but I say I only had 42 orders. What happend? I had one customer who wanted a refund. She did buy a product, downloaded it and was very pleased with what she got. But she could use it, she thought is was something else (although it was clearly written in the description what kind of product it is). And she asked for a refund.
For me, customer service is very important and I could have refused, referring to the description. But I am not like that and decided to refund her.
A happy customer is a good customer and you never know she will visit my shop again in the future.
Also, the same amount of orders compared to previous and a bit more visitors. This means my conversion rated dropped a little bit to 3.8%. Which is not bad, but I prefer to see above 4%.


Etsy revenue February 2024

The original revenue was 136.5€ and deducting the refund from is makes it 134.5€
Compared to previous month, that's a staggering increase of 2.5€. So now you also know what the price range my products are in.
I fear I reached the ceiling for the monthly amount of sales and revenue.
I want to increase my revenue and that's the reason why I will offer a line of products in the near future. Let's say I only have 'coffee mugs with dog picture' for the moment, I will extend the line of products with 'tumblers with dog picture'. A bit similar but competely different.


Costs for having my Etsy shop in January:
Listing fees: 13.14€
Transaction fees: 8.66€
Processing fees: 18.34€
VAT on seller fees: 8.51€
Offsite ads: 0.68€
Which totals up to 49.16€ in fees.
This combined with my Midjourney (30€) and eRank (5€) subscription makes the total cost 84.16€

Passive income for January 2024

Everything combined (134.5€ - 84.16€) makes a total net profit of 50.34€ for February 2023.
Which is almost identical to the profit of previous month.

Bonus & Expectations

Okay, I will not keep you waiting any longer ...
I reached the status of star-Seller!
The conditions for this have changed lately, before you need to have at least 25 (as far as I can remember) sales, 250€ revenue, a 4.8 star review rating and 95% response rate (answer questions and mail in a 24 hour timeframe) over a 3 month period.
The first two factors disappeared, leaving only the message response rate and average rating as rating factors.
And I reach them all (all 4 of them) giving me the star-seller badge.
Now I am curious this will influence my overall sales or not.
And I am proud to tell you that from now on, my Etsy shop is profitable. Yes, that was the second milestone I reached. Finally, eight month after opening my Etsy shop, I am making profit.
In March, I will try to list 4 (or more) new items and also a bundle of already exiting products.
And continue researching a complete new line of products in my shop.
I keep you updated!.
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