How to come up with great blog post ideas

Coming up with new ideas for blog posts can be very challenging. You know your publishing day is near, but your mind is still blank, and you have no idea what to write about.
Sitting in front of your laptop, hoping the ideas will come out of the blue, can be very frustrating. Writing content is sometimes easier than finding a good topic to write about (at least for me, it is).

This is why finding topics that fit your audience (and blog) is the most important step toward great content.
I will give you some tips on never running out of good ideas to write about.

Write down your ideas

write down your ideas

The best tip I can give you is to write down an idea as soon as you have it. This can be a piece of paper, a voicemail, or do what I do: I have a WhatsApp conversation with myself where I write down all that comes up in my mind.
Put all these in your content calendar when you're at your computer. This way, you will have an abundance of ideas to write about.

It happened to me a million times before that I had an amazing idea for a topic. But a while later, I only remembered that I had an amazing but I couldn't remember anymore what that idea was.
That's why I started writing everything down. And now, I have a sheet in my content calendar with more than 500 ideas to write about.
I never run out of inspiration anymore.
Below are some tips you can use to find inspiration yourself. And there is no need to have expensive subscriptions to find good ideas; all the below tips are entirely free.

Check other blogs

check other blogs for ideas

For beginning bloggers, this is a nice way to come up with ideas for blog posts. Check other blogs in your niche and write down the titles you are interested in.
But only write down the titles and create your very own article about this topic. Do not copy the content from your competitors, nobody is waiting for that.
Only having the title forces you to do your own research and write the article in your own style. Later on, when you finish your post, you can check with the other article if you missed something.

Another great way to find ideas is by subscribing to newsletters from bloggers in your niche. These newsletters often give very good inspiration for new articles.
You also learn how newsletters are built and written so you can use them as inspiration for your own newsletter.

The famous Spanish painter Picasso once said 'Bad artists copy, good artists steal'.
Nobody is waiting for a copy of a copy. You have to write your own original content. You can steal the title but do not copy (or re-write) the content.


google search page
Google is not only the most used search engine but it also a great source for finding ideas for new articles.

Google Search

When you type in a keyword into the Google search box, Google will autocomplete with suggestions.
These often can be a great source for new ideas.
google search

People also ask

When you enter your search, Google will give you the search results for your query.
When you scroll down a bit, you will stumble upon 'People also ask'.
people ask
Again, this is a great resource for new ideas.

Related searches

It's not over yet.
If you scroll further to the end of the page, you will see 'Related searches'.
google related searches
A new source for ideas.

Keyword dedicated websites

get inspiration from keyword dedicated sites

There are many keyword research tools online, but most of them aren't free.
But some hidden gems are free and can provide you with new ideas for blog posts.

Answer Socrates

Answer Socrates provides you with a list of questions that people are asking on Google.
You can use these questions to find ideas for new articles or to fill gaps in your pillar content.
google search

Answer the Public

Answer Socrates provides you with a list of questions that people are asking on Google.
You can use these questions to find ideas for new articles or to fill gaps in your pillar content.
answer the public

Ahrefs content idea creator

Ahrefs is a paid site that many bloggers and SEO specialists use.
It also has great free tools, such as the content idea generator. You enter a topic, and it generates five ideas for new topics for you.
ahrefs keyword idea generator


Another great tool for finding ideas is Ubersuggest.
this site (only three free keyword searches for free) displays the results in columns (monthly search volume, difficulty rate, ...).
It also comes with a nice feature, 'related keywords,' which gives you a bunch of topic ideas.
ahrefs keyword idea generator


I don't like using AI for my blogs; I try to write everything myself and do my research. And so far, I have managed to do it without problems.
But I must admit that I used ChatGpt a few times to come up with new ideas for my blog.
The easiest way is to enter the prompt 'What are the 20 most entered search terms in Google for blogging'. And you will get a nice list from which you can pick some ideas.

Ask your audience

eating the frog is good for productivity

Ok, this might not be a good idea for beginning bloggers as you haven't built up an audience or community yet.
But if you already have a small group of followers, they are the perfect source of inspiration for your blogs. They are the people you write for, and they want you to give them a solution for the issue they are facing.

  • emails to you: often, your readers might send you an email (that is why you need to have a contact page) asking you questions. These questions are, most of the time, worth an article.
  • Check your comments: when someone adds a comment to an article on your page, it is probably a remark or a question. Some of these can be turned into a new blog post.
  • Check other bloggers' comments: if you don't have an audience yet, check the comments on blogs from competitor bloggers; often, you will get inspiration there, too.
  • Use your email list: you can always send an email to your subscribed with a poll. Or ask them directly what content they want you to cover.
  • Internet forums

    eating the frog is good for productivity
    The internet is a large pool of content ideas; visit the right sites, and you will be flooded with new ideas.
    The two sites I use the most for inspiration are Reddit and Quora.


    Reddit is one of the biggest forums on the internet, and millions of users post there regularly.
    Go to a sub-Reddit about your niche (you name it, and Reddit will have a sub-Reddit for it) and start your research.
    You will get the best results by using the 'search' function in your sub-Reddit and search for things like:
  • How do I ...
  • help with ...
  • Tips for ...
  • Suggestions for ...
  • This is a real goldmine for new ideas.
    Not only read the opening post, but also read the comments because these also can give you new inspiration.


    Quora is a website where people ask questions and other users answer them. There is an immense range of topics on Quora, and the answers are almost always high quality.
    Go to a sub-Reddit about your niche (you name it, and Reddit will have a sub-Reddit for it) and start your research.
    This is a real goldmine for new ideas.
    Not only read the opening post, but also read the comments because these also can give you new inspiration.
    Use the search function to find already-asked questions about your niche or topic. These questions can already be a great source of inspiration.
    Also, check how many votes a question has, and then you will know whether this question (or a future blog post from you) is relevant to people.
    You can also ask questions if you really have no new ideas for a topic. Just ask on Reddit what you should write about (I've done that before, and I've gotten a few inspiring answers). It's as simple as that.

    Your own blog

    eating the frog is good for productivity

    Believe it or not, your own blog can also be a source of new ideas.
    Re-read your older articles, especially your pillar posts, and I'm sure you will find some gaps you still need to cover. If you found non-covered clusters, you have many new articles to write. And it also contributes to the power of your pillar posts.

    Blog content can become outdated (especially if you have written many articles already). By updating these old posts, you can turn them into new ones.

    You yourself

    eating the frog is good for productivity

    I saved the easiest and best source of inspiration for last: you!

    You have probably written a good number of blog posts, and you can always share your experience with your audience. Again, a great source of new ideas:

  • Things I knew before I started ...
  • Biggest mistakes I made ...
  • Things that changed since I started
  • How I managed to earn 1000$
  • Twitter logo
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