January 2024 Etsy income

What did the first month of a new year bring? Will the increase we saw in December continue?
I can already tell you I did reach some milestones. Not only one but three!
Come and check the Etsy numbers of January 2024
Here's a detailed overview of the last month's income (January 2024) of my Etsy shop

1. Listings

Here, I did reach the milestone I am most proud of: I listed my 100th item in January.
This month, I listed 5 new items in my shop, totaling the total listing to 102.
I found a good schedule for publishing at least 1 item a week. This may not sound a lot to you, but I can assure you it's more difficult than it looks like.
During the first months, my shop was open, I did more care about the quantity, thinking 'people will buy it anyway'. In the first 6 months, I started noticing this was so wrong, quality is so much more important than quality.
And I also noticed that it takes me much longer to create a new listing, paying much more attention to details now.
So, having published more than 100 items makes me a happy a proud person!

2. Visitors

Etsy visitors January 2024

Here is another milestone. More than 1000 visitors found their way to my shop.
Last month, I had a total of 1067 people visiting my shop, an increase of more than 25% from the previous month, which is amazing.
The uptrend I did see in the last months keeps on continuing
I am fully aware that this amount of visitors will flatten out over time but as long as I see it going up, I am a happy person. It's also very motivating to see my hard work pay off and it gives me the energy to continue what I'm doing.

3. Orders and Conversation Rate

Etsy orders January 2024

In January, I did see again a big increase in the amount of purchases. 42 compared to 29 in December. An increase of almost 50%.
These are individuals who placed an order. A single order can contain several items. And here I also did see a big increase in the sold items: 58 to 43.
Conversation Rate is also very nice for this month: 3.9%. This means out of the 100 visitors 3.9 of them place an order. As mentioned before: a conversation rate between 2.5% and 4% is good. A conversation rate of higher than 4% is extremely good. This means that visitors to your shop like what I offer them or that my items match perfectly what they were searching for.

4. Revenue

Etsy revenue January 2024

A third milestone which makes me very proud: the revenue of my shop was for the first time in its existence higher than 100€. To be exact, it was 131.5€.
Compared to the previous month, there was an increase of almost 50% (from 93€ in December to 131.5€ in January).
I am fully aware that this number can't rise infinitely but as long as it is going up, you won't hear me complain.

5. Costs

Costs for having my Etsy shop in January:
Listing fees: 11.34€
Transaction fees: 8.56€
Processing fees: 18.34€
VAT on seller fees: 8.31€
Which totals up to 46.34€ in fees.
This combined with my Midjourney (30€) and eRank (5€) subscription makes the total cost 81.34€

6. Passive income for January 2024

Everything combined (131.5€ - 81.34€) makes a total net profit of 50.16€ for December 2023.
This will not make me rich but it's only 1 part of the passive income streams I'm building. And as they say 'lots of small things makes also a big one'.

7. Conclusion and Expectations

50.16 euros is not much but at least I am making a profit. As mentioned before, this is only one of the passive income streams I will build and I hope all of them will grow over time to a nice passive income.
I will keep on publishing new items at least once a week and I hope the positive trend I did see in the last months will continue.
February being a shorter month (this year 2 days less than January), I hope to get the same numbers in February as in January (or a small increase).
Consistency is the key!
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