Passive income with websites

You can indeed make a nice passive income with Software as a Service website. Again, it is exactly the same as with other online businesses, there are hundreds of websites offering the same as you do.
So you have to offer something other websites don't offer, give your visitors something extra so they will come back and subscribe to your services. These can be paid content, additional functionalities, ...
Also make your visitors feel comfortable by offering them a good user experience (UI/UX, good color scheme, ...) and offer them good customer service by answering their questions in a decent timeframe.
Most important is the content you give your visitors, be sure all is accurate and up-to-date.
id = "easy"

1. Easy to start?

Everyone nowadays can start a website with a few clicks.
The most difficult is finding a good niche and delivering good content for your visitors. You can do this by regular updates on your site or by giving them something they cannot find elsewhere.
Keep in mind that you are not the only person on the internet with the same idea as you. Stand out, be different, ...

2. Do's

Choose a niche that you are familiar with and do lots of research on similar websites. See what they offer, check what their paid plans are, find out what is missing, ... Put everything together and try to make a site that has the best of all the other sites and maybe something more.
I know, easier said than done. I have been there too and still figuring out what the best way is to attract and keep visitors. One tip I can give you is something I learned: keep it simple. Don't make the first version of your site too complicated. Try to find out what customers want (and not what you want). I had my first site tested by some people and I was really surprised by their comments.
Also, make sure your SEO is good. Google will not rank your site number one because you made it. No, it will be ranked on different criteria such as keywords, loading speed, backlinks, ...

3. Pitfalls

First of all, make sure your site is responsive and looks good on different mobile devices.
This was the comment I received from all my test persons. They tried it on their phone first, not on a laptop or PC (for which I created it). And it took me many days to have it fully responsive.
Make sure everything is working properly. It is not because you tested all functionalities that it will work for others. I had one test person who got a completely different result than I did when searching for something. He did follow other sequences of clicks which led to a completely different result.
Don't offer too much on the first version of your SaaS website, make sure you have the essential stuff and a little bit more. And then listen to your visitors what they expect more from your site. And continue building on their remarks. And, the most important ... do not procrastinate. It is not that there are some issues that you have to abandon it. And no, coding issues don't solve themselves if you don't look at it. Just fix the problems.

4. Time and effort

Building my first site (in the financial sector) took me months because I did everything myself. It was not a WordPress or Wix site, no I built it from scratch in Reactjs with a NodeJs backend. It was a fun experience that taught me a lot and I became a much better programmer doing this.
Once everything is done and automated, it should work like a charm without any intervention. And when the basic framework is working fine, it is easy to build additional features to it.

4. Ways to moneytise

I am convinced that if you find the right niche and audience, building a SaaS website can make you rich (depending on how you define 'rich').
For me, there are 2 options for making passive income by this. The first one is a paid subscription of 10$ per month where they have access to all functionalities. A second one is by placing ads on my site. But that will be for later as I first want to get some audience.

5. My target

The target for my financial Saas website is running break-even in the first 4-5 months (I have to pay for hosting and the APIs I use also cost me some money).
So far, it only has costed me money but it has been an amazing learning experience. My hope is to make 1000-1500$ by this site after 1 year.
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