Tips to boost your morning productivity

We all aim to have a very productive day, but many of us struggle to make the most out of it.
Did you know that how you start your day sets the tone for the rest of the day?
By having a good morning routine, you set the energy and motivation for your overall daily productivity and performance.

It isn't difficult at all to set up a daily morning routine that boosts your productivity for the rest of your day. By optimizing your morning routine, you will improve your productivity, focus, and efficiency.

Here are some detailed tips to help you make the most of your morning (and the rest of your day).

Plan the evening before

Plan your morning the day before
A productive morning starts the night before. By preparing in advance, you remove the need for making decisions early in the morning.
Here are some steps you can take the evening before:

Create a to-do-list

Before you go to sleep, write down the tasks you want to accomplish the next day.
Prioritize these tasks so you know what you have to do first in the morning

Get your clothes ready

Choose and prepare your outfit the night before. This will save you lots of time and reduce decision stress in the morning.
You only have to take your clothes without thinking in the morning and get dressed.

Prepare your breakfast

Plan, and if possible, prepare your breakfast in advance. This again saves you lots of time.
Pre-made smoothies are perfect for this. Or prepare a small breakfast box the evening before and put it in the fridge. It feels so good to open the fridge and have your ready-made breakfast.

Organize your workspace

When you're finished with your work for the day, clean your workspace.
Seeing a clean work area when you want to start working is very motivating. Seeing a messy space in the morning works very demotivating. You are willing to start working, but first, you have to clean up. I hate doing this in the morning, it makes me want to do something else (by the way, I don't like cleaning, certainly not in the morning).

Note from the author: I found these tips through experience. If you have some more tips, please leave a comment at the end of this article.
As you might have noticed, these tips not only save you lots of time in the morning but also reduce decision stress. There is no need to fill your brain with unnecessary things in the morning. You don't have to worry about these things anymore; all you have to do is focus on your tasks.

Wake up early

wake up early for productivity

'The early bird catches the worm'
Waking up early gives you a headstart on your day. It allows you to have more time as your body becomes more alert.
Waking up earlier also ensures you're not in a rush to get where you need to be; you have lots of time, so there is no need to rush. Life is more relaxed in the early morning; keep it like this.

If you have problems waking up early, try setting an alarm that doesn't sound harsh. Try waking up with the sound of birds chirping or an ocean breeze as an alarm.
But do not use the snooze button; dozing in and out makes you feel groggy. It's like a fake feeling of being awake. That's why you must try getting out of bed at the first alarm.

Maybe even more important than waking up early, is having a good quality sleep.
Normal adults need, on average, 7 hours of sleep. During sleep, your body and mind recharge, which makes you feel refreshed and alert when you wake up. A healthy and qualitative sleep also helps your body remain healthy and disease-free.

Enjoy the moment

wake up early for productivity

No, the first thing you do when you get out of bed is not checking your mobile phone.
Open the curtains and open your window. Feel the little breeze of a new day, feel nature getting awake with you. Enjoy the moments; these are the best and most peaceful minutes of your day.

Before you prepare and drink your first cup of coffee, take some time and drink a good glass of water.
Drinking a glass of water on your empty stomach has some benefits:

Kickstart your metabolism

Water helps your body start its metabolic processes. Plain water starts it all.

Improve your mental performance

Your brain consists of 75% water, and your body gets dehydrated during sleep. Drinking a glass of water early in the morning improves your brain function and keeps you mentally sharp.

Flush out toxins

When sleeping, your body repairs itself. This also includes removing toxic stuff from your organs. Drinking a glass of water helps your kidneys get rid of these toxins.

Note from the author: If possible, try to do things like me. The first thing I do when I wake up is open the windows and sit outside with a glass of water. Enjoying the fresh air and the serenity of the morning. This is like a kind of meditational moment to me. And it always means the start of a productive day for me.

Have a nutritious breakfast


The best way to start your day and weapon it for a productive day is to fuel your body and mind with a nutritious breakfast. Such a breakfast not only helps you kickstart your day but also stimulates your brain.

Try to prepare yourself a balanced meal that includes proteins (eggs, nuts, yogurt, ...), healthy fats (avocado, nuts,...), and fibers (grains, fruits, vegetables, ...).
Avoid high-sugar foods as these can lead to energy crashes (sugar dips) during the day.

Another benefit of waking up early is having more time to have a healthy breakfast. If you wake up later, you might grab something quick (and unhealthy).
Most people underestimate the importance of a good and nutritious breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it replenishes your body after overnight fasting to boost your energy levels and alertness and start burning calories.

Note from the author: a few times a week, I have eggs and bacon as breakfast. Breakfast for champions I call it. It all depends on what I have to do that day. When I have to go sporting (playing padel or so), I need such a strong breakfast.


yoga pose for stimulating productivity

Try to implement some activity into your morning routine. This can be something small like stretching, yoga poses, or walking around the block.
Do something that starts your blood flowing. Doing some exercises in the morning shakes off the stiff feeling and prepares you for your workday. You'll feel fully awake, and your body will be full of positive energy.

Exercising positively impacts your productivity; it helps reduce stress, improve your performance, and clear your brain.
You don't need to do a full workout if you're starting to implement some exercise into your morning routine. Just start small and try to build it up over time. You can start with a 15m walk, and without realizing it, you'll run 5km in 30 days.

Note from the author: A morning walk can do miracles. I love having such a walk; it clears my mind, and all negative thoughts disappear after my morning walk. I feel fresh, and after having a shower, I feel fully motivated to start the rest of my day.


As you might have noticed, there is no place for smartphones in this routine.
Try not to check your phone as soon as you wake up. Give your mind time to get awake, and don't fill your brain with useless stuff.

I have to admit that I was a night owl; I loved the night's silence and darkness. But this gave me a fake feeling of productivity.
I changed some things in my daily routine and slowly but steadily became an early bird. Waking up early changed a lot for me; I never realized that I could enjoy an early morning. And my productivity skyrocketed. Not only during the morning but throughout the whole day, I seem to have much more (positive) energy to have things done.

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