Why you should start a blog in 2024

Is blogging dead in 2024? Can I make money from blogging in 2024?
Every year, the same questions pop up again. And blogging is still alive and kicking in 2024 and will always be.
If you ask when the best time is to start your own blog, NOW!
Not convinced? I give you 11 reasons to start your own blog in 2024 Numbers don't lie: in 2023, there are approximately 600 million blogs on the internet, 70 million posts are published monthly (on Wordpress), ... and these numbers keep growing yearly. As you can see from the numbers, blogging is certainly not dead!.
You can't deny that times are changing and the concept of blogging is changing, but 2024 is a good year for you to start a blog. And here is why.

1. Blogs still can make good money

I will start with what interests people the most: yes, you can still make good money with blogging.
Compared to 4-5 years ago, you need to have a real business plan (and patience) now to start making good money.
See it as the solar system where your blog is the sun, the center of everything. Surrounded by your blog (sun) are different platforms, which all rely on your blog (sun). All are tied together as your money machine, where all flows towards your blog.

2. Great outlet for your creativity

It may sound cliche (aren't cliches built on something proven?), but blogging is still the perfect way to share your thoughts, opinions, ideas, and passions.
It is like having your own private online magazine where you decide what is getting published.
You have the complete freedom to post whatever content you want. And that content is completely written by yourself.

3. You are your own boss

With blogging, you are your own boss. There are no fixed hours, no deadlines, no meetings, ...
You decide yourself how you want to grow your blog, what direction you want to go, you choose your own marketing plan, your own monetization strategy,...

4. You can build a legacy

In these times of fast and easily digestible content, you have the opportunity to leave a lasting impact (as long as you keep on paying for your hosting, at least).
Blogging is the perfect medium to leave a digital legacy. Internet users will always read Evergreen content.
Also, your blog will be like a time capsule to yourself where you can see the evolution you have gone through over the years.

5. You become an expert

You start a blog because you are passionate about something and you have some skills and knowledge you want to share with others.
By writing and researching about the same topic, you will even get more knowledgeable and become a real master in your field.

6. Personal development

Blogging encourages you to research, learn, and express your thoughts and ideas effectively.
Not only that but by interacting with your audience (emails, comments, social media, ...), you become more extrovert and learn new things like communication skills and management skills, ...

7. Development of your technical skills

Besides growing as a person, you will develop new technical skills, too.
As you advance in blogging, you will want to add features to your blog. Most of the features are easy to install, but some you have to modify and tweak, learning new technical skills as you need to know what you're doing.
I had an IT background before I started blogging, and I developed this whole site myself. And I can assure you it was an amazing journey where I did learn a lot about programming, databases, cloud storage, ...
As you also have to focus on social media, your artistic skills will greatly improve.

8. A way to build a community

A blog nowadays differs from what it was five or six years ago. If you want to compete with other blog sites in your niche, you have to stand out.
You need to build a sort of eco-system around your blog (social media, forums, ...), gathering a community of like-minded people around you.
These people will inspire and motivate you to go that extra mile, providing them with the best content they can get.

9. You can have an impact

As a blogger, you can inspire, educate, or help other people facing similar challenges as you had, making a positive income in their lives.
You know, I will be delighted when I know at least one person on this planet I helped with this blog. Mission accomplished, I would say.

10. It is lots of fun

Admit it, writing about stuff you love is fun.
Like in life, you will have good and very bad days, but the good days will far outweigh the bad days.
Like a famous brand says: 'Just do it', give it a try and I can assure you that you'll enjoy it a lot.
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