March 2024 Etsy income

The third month of the year, and what a month it was for my Etsy Shop
March was not only record-breaking for visitors and orders, but most importantly, it also was for my revenue and profit.
Come and check the Etsy numbers for March 2024 Here's a detailed overview of my Etsy shop's income for last month (March 2024).


Even though March was a hectic month for me, I was able to stick to my weekly listing schedule and listed one item every Tuesday.
However, March differed from the previous months because I published my first bundle. And as you will read a little further down (spoiler alert), this bundle almost immediately affected my revenue.
I bundled my ten most sold items into one bundle and listed it with a 40% discount (the normal price would be 25$ but I listed the bundle for 15$).


Etsy visitors March 2024
Compared to February, 149 more people visited my shop.
I've seen a monthly increase during the past months, but it may slow down or even decrease because Q1 is always one of the best quarters of the year (I've done some research with competitor shops).
Etsy sales (and visitors) drop significantly during the summer months, so I will not be surprised if the number of visitors is around 1000 during the upcoming months.

Orders and Conversation Rate

Etsy orders March 2024
56 people placed an order in my shop in March.
As you can see on the timeline, that's at least one order every day. In the first months, I was excited when I did an order coming in, but nowadays, I feel disappointed when there is a day without sales. Maybe a bit spoiled? These 56 customers did buy 71 items, which means that on average, a single customer buys around 1.4 items in my shop, which makes me happy :-)
And the conversion rate is back to where I like it to be, around 4.5% (and I hope it will stay like this).


Etsy revenue March 2024

This one made me very excited; for the first time, my shop made over 200$ in revenue.
A big part of this nice revenue comes from selling bundles. March was the first month I put a bundle in my shop and sold four (the price for a bundle is 15$).
That explains the spikes in the graph above; these are the days when someone bought a bundle.
As you can see, having bundles in your shop is a must. I explain more about it in why you need bundles in your Etsy shop


Costs for having my Etsy shop in March:
Listing fees: 17.7€
Transaction fees: 14.45€
Processing fees: 26.02€
VAT on seller fees: 12.38€
Offsite ads: 0.3€
Which totals up to 70.85€ in fees.
This, combined with my Midjourney (30€) and eRank (5€) subscription, makes the total cost 105.85€.

Passive income for March 2024

Everything combined (223.65€ - 105.85€) makes a total net profit of 117.8€ for March 2023.
More than double the profit of the previous month.
How I wished that my profit doubled every month :-) But I'm a realist, and I hope to keep my net profit above 100$ for the upcoming months.

... Extra ...

additional stats etsy march 2024
Etsy added some extra's to the 'stats'-page: the Shopper Stats.
It's currently in beta phase, but it gives you an idea of what is happening in the background of your shop.
You now have a view on how many of your items got favorited, how many new followers your shop has, how many new reviews you got, ...
A nice little gimmick to me (I'm a travel addict) is that I can see that I got customers from 9 different countries
What my plans are for April?
I am running out of inspiration creating listing in the sub-niche I am in for the moment. And I also see that the new listed item don't get as much traction as the previous ones.
I am now trying to launch a new line of products in my shop. It's still in the same niche but a bit broader.
It's taking me longer than expected to reach the quality I expect for these items.
The summer months will be a calm period for my Etsy shop thus it is the perfect opportunity to add some additional items and get ready for Quarter 4.
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