May 2024 Etsy income

The fifth month of the year, will it beat the previous month?
Or will it be the start of a downward trend that is typical for the summer months?
The summer months are supposed to be a calmer period for Etsy shops, will it also be for mine?
Come and check the Etsy numbers for May 2024 and see if they beat the numbers of previous month. Here's a detailed overview of my Etsy shop's income for last month (May 2024).


I am still on schedule to post one new item every week.
I uploaded two new items for my new line of products, but I expect (hope is a better word) this new line to become popular in 2 months. It takes a while on Etsy for new items to get ranked high enough to get some traction. And I only have two items in that range, so I need to start getting more productive.
In June, I will put some pressure on myself as I want to list two items a week, increasing


Etsy visitors May 2024

Sadly enough, nothing goes up for ever. In May, I did see my first decline in visitors compared to the previous month.
Since I opened my Etsy shop at the end of June last year, the number of visitors increased monthly. Until May.

May has one day more than April, and I got more than 100 visitors less than April. Not good.
I think this is due to summer starting; people spend less time at home doing indoor hobbies. But, 1251 is okay for the number of items I have in my shop.
That is why I want to attract more visitors (and hopefully buyers) with my new line of items by listing two items weekly. The more fishing lines you have in the pond, the more chance you have of a fish bite.
And the more items you have in your window shop, the more chance that people enter your shop.
(at least, that is how I see it).

Orders and Conversation Rate

Etsy orders May 2024
Less visitors but more orders. That is what is the most important, the quality of your visitors.

In May, I got 56 visitors who placed an order. In total, they did buy 66 items, which is seven more than the previous month. Quality over quantity ;-)
Normally, the new line of products I am slowly launching should have a higher conversion rate while the price is just slightly higher than the items I am selling now.
So, I hope to get a higher number of visitors next month combined with a higher conversion rate. If this is true, my revenue will leap hugely.


Etsy revenue March 2024

Sadly enough, more items bought don't mean more revenue than the previous month. 5.2$ Less to be exactly.
In May, not one single bundle was bought. As I explained in Why you need bundles in your Etsy shop, this shows how important it is to have bundles in your shop.
And I know why not a single bundle has been bought: they are seasonal. I notice that items that help people with crafting are bought much less than in previous months, and the bundles are in this niche. I see more flower stuff being bought, so I urgently need to create a bundle around this sub-niche.


Costs for having my Etsy shop in May:
Listing fees: 14.44€
Transaction fees: 9.86€
Processing fees: 23.49€
VAT on seller fees: 10.21€
Offsite ads: 0.76€
Which totals up to 58.76€ in fees.
This, combined with my Midjourney (30€) and eRank (5€) subscription, makes the total cost 93.76€.

Passive income for May 2024

Everything combined (152.75€ - 93.76€) makes a total net profit of 58.99€ for May 2023.
You know, as long as it is above 50, I am a happy person as this is a side project for me. I think I spend a little bit less than 2 hours per week on my Etsy shop (creating new listings, administration, ...)> If I leave it like this, it generates around 1004 per month for me in pure passive income (I leave my shop as it is, no more Midjourney and eRank subscriptions).
But I am not completely happy with it; I want more. I want to generate at least 200$ per month. So, a little bit more work is needed, and it should be okay.

... Extra ...

additional stats etsy march 2024

I still like this overview, it shows how good (or bad) my shop is doing.
And to be honest, for the amount of time I spent on my Etsy shop, I think these are good numbers.

I almost got a full 5-star review this month, but sadly enough, there was one 4.5-star review.
Having such a high review score means that people are happy and that my items are high-quality. And that is the way I want it: quality over quantity.

What are my plans for June?
I try to keep up with my new listing schedule of publishing two items every Tuesday. One item in each of my sub-niches. I want to grow my shop to get more revenue (and profit), and the only way to scale it is to publish more.
And once I get to + 100$ per month profit, I probably will outsource the creation of new items.
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