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How Much Passive income

Follow me on my journey creating several online passive income streams.
Learn from my mistakes and start, grow and make more money in your online business!
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How to get and retain repeat buyers

Do you want to grow your Etsy shop an you have no idea what more you can do?
Repeat customers are important because they can provide your shop with a steady stream of income. It is better to have one loyal client who buys ten items a year than ten clients who only visit your online shop once and make one purchase.
Before you get repeat customers, you first have to turn visitors into buyers,... (read more)
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Should you delete or update old blog posts

As a blogger, you probably have lots of old blog posts.
Is it worth keeping all these posts? Or will keeping them harm the search engine ratings for your blog?
As a blogger, your content is one of your most valuable assets, but not every post does age well.
Should you update these outdated posts? Or delete them? And what will be the result of these actions on your SEO?... (read more)
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9 Habits that kill your productivity

You are aware that productivity is important to reach personal and professional goals.
But you aren't as productive as you want to be, and you are wondering what the reason could be?
Many of us have habits that hinder our ability to focus, stay organized, and work efficiently.
By getting rid of these toxic habits, you can regain control over your precious time and energy... (read more)
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June 2024 Etsy income

What happened this month?
Did I do better than last month? Or did the decline that started in May continue?
Come and check the Etsy numbers for June 2024 and see if they beat the previous month's numbers.
Before you continue reading, I can already tell you... (read more)
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How to overcome writers block for bloggers

Staring at a blank page on your screen, and not a single word appears. Or what appears is rubbish, you delete it and go back to the blank screen without any inspiration to write something.
This happened to me many times. And it can be very frustrating, but inspiration doesn't come on demand.
A writer's block, or a blogger's block in our case, can drain our time and motivation.... (read more)
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The importance of internal linking for SEO

Links play a major role in SEO for your blog, and with a good linking strategy, you can significantly improve your blog's search visibility and ranking.
Internal links make it easy for your visitors to navigate through your blog, and they provide a map to search for understanding the structure of your blog. Incoming links will increase your domain authority and improve your search ranking.
I will explain how to build a good linking strategy ... (read more)