Hi, I'm Peter, and I welcome you to

How Much Passive income

Follow me on my journey creating several online passive income streams.
Learn from my mistakes and start, grow and make more money in your online business!
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9 Passive income streams on a thight budget

Can you create passive income streams with a very near zero budget? Yes, you can.
There are plenty of options if you have almost no starting budget. The only you need is the will to start and perservere. And have patience.
Keep in mind: success and money don't come overnight. It's like an oak... (read more)
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Books that inspired me

I'm sure most of you have read 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad', which is the book that got me hooked up with (thinking about) passive income.I got fascinated by it and started reading more and more books about enterpreneurship, online income, generating and managing money, ....
There are many interesting books out there but these 3 did inspire me the most.
... (read more)
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Is time more valuable than money

'Time is money'
Or is time more valuable than money?
Or can money buy time? Yes, it can! I been thinking about these theses lately a lot and I came to the conclusion that money can buy you time and money can buy you a better life.... (read more)
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My targets and dreams

I am a very realistic and down-to-earth person, but like everyone else I have some dreams and targets I want to achieve.
I will tell you what I try to achieve on short and long term. And also what my ultimate dreams are (and why I am doing all this).... (read more)
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Passive income with dividends

When it comes to generating passive income, dividend stock investing is a great method.
It's fairly easy to set up a dividend portfolio and the returns can come pretty quick and grow overtime (the snowball effect). Which makes this very ideal for a passive income stream.
But...... (read more)
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My passive income projects

As you might have guessed, I'm trying to build some passive income streams. Most of them won't make much money, but I hope all together they will.
I will give you a list of the projects I already started and which ones are in the pipeline to be realized.
... (read more)