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How Much Passive income

Follow me on my journey creating several online passive income streams.
Learn from my mistakes and start, grow and make more money in your online business!
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August 2024 Etsy income

August has passed, the last of the summer months.
Did it also bring sunshine to my Etsy shop and boost my revenue? Or was it like July, just an ordinary and boring month?
At least nothing bad happened to my shop, like last year when I got banned. But as mentioned before, August was just an ordinary month. But I have been thinking about the future of this shop and what I will do to make this a money-making shop.... (read more)
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How to measure your productivity

Productivity is essential for success in both personal and professional life.
However, productivity is not about working harder and more, it is about working smarter.
To understand and improve your productivity, it is important to track and measure it effectively.
But how do you measure productivity?
In this article, I'll discuss tools, methods, and tips for tracking and measuring your productivity.... (read more)
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Why you should treat your blog as a business

Most of us started our blog as a hobby, but we also want our blog to generate some extra money.
Many bloggers have proven that you can make a nice income from blogging. Making a nice side income from your blog is still possible, but you must have the right mindset; you must treat your blog as real business and not longer as a hobby project.
In this article, I will give seven reasons why you should treat your blog as a business.... (read more)
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July 2024 Etsy income

Big celebration this month: my Etsy shop is officially one year old now!
Quarter 3 generally means that all Etsy shops see a significant drop in their sales. July is the first real summer month, and will the downtrend from June continue? Or have I reached the bottom of my numbers for this year?
As you can guess, nothing really spectacular happened in July, but I am going to present my numbers anyway.... (read more)
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The hidden struggles of blogging

Blogging is often glamorized as an easy way to express yourself and make money online.
How many times have you already seen on social media "make $1000 in your first month of blogging", "Get easily 1000 viewers a day" or "How I earn a six-figure income via blogging"?
It is true that blogging offers many opportunities, but the reality is far more complex and less glamorous than most people think.... (read more)
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Improve your productivity with the Alpen Method

Many people often wonder in the evening, after a hard day of work, why their to-do list keeps on growing and growing. More hours working or harder working doesn't seem to make this list shrink.
They have an end goal, but because of the ever-growing to-do list, they never seem to reach this goal.
The Alpen time management method is designed to solve this problem.... (read more)